Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Is school over yet?

It's been a long week. And I've missed my computer. AND I'm desperately longing for Summer Vacation. But I did have a relatively good weekend. Here's a rundown:

Friday: Ensemble dress rehearsal and First session of Vocal Workshop. Rehearsal went well, but I was still nervous about a few little things, but nothing drastic. And the vocal workshop was.....interesting. Definitely not what I expected! It was basically a yoga session that you use to warm up your body for singing, and speaking. I didn't see it. But I went along with it, because everyone was into it, so I figured that it would be a good experience. I was right. It was definitely different, but I enjoyed it. The only downside was that I didn't get home until 10:00. And I was sleepy.

Saturday: Second vocal session and ensemble concert: Second vocal session at nine-five, and straight to concert. The session went well, it just felt long. Though I did learn a lot of cool techniques, and I got a good workout! And then it was time for the concert. I had to be there early to go over some pieces with my teacher. Seeing that I was having trouble with a few spots made me nervous. But it was time for the concert, and I got through it! And it went really well! I feel very satisfied with my performances, especially that I was able to change from violin to saxophone accordingly. That was pretty funny. All in all it was great. :)

Sunday: Piano recital. The one performance that I get nervous and dread out of all of my performances. I went over my piece a million times that morning, until I finally got it! So I was like, OK, it's all good, just don't get nervous. And what do I do? I get up to the piano, and have a seizure in my hands. That is, that's what it looked like. Try playing piano like that! Of course I messed up, which made my nerves worse. BUT I did get the section I was having constant trouble with correct. Of course. But the point it, I got through it, and it's over, and I'm on to other things. Yay. :) And I got to end the day with rehearsal, which was great!

And this week I have my choir concert. Well, now it's more like tomorrow I have my concert, and Friday I have State! And Mrs. Bowen flew off the handle, and did her whole "it's the last straw you will be punished" spill that she goes on about once every two weeks. Except this time she's really pushed it. She's not going to let us practice for our concert, or State anymore. If we mess up, it's our problem, not hers. Smart. Little does she realize that the parents will see Mrs. Bowen as the authority figure, and a bad performance by us puts a bad rep on her. But we can't say that. Because she will interrupt
Ah!!! Sorry. I'm just annoyed because I didn't get to finish this blog. It's now 10:00, I'm home from rehearsal, and I finally have a moment of peace! It's kind of hard to write a blog when you have your brother looming over your shoulder. Anyways, tomorrow night is our concert, and to be that my frustration has settled a bit, I think I'm just going to take it moment by moment and hope for the best. And I always have rehearsal to look forward to! Well, except for tomorrow, all I have to look forward to tomorrow is Mr. Bradley being a jerk(once again). And I have to tell him that I won't be in class Friday because of state. You know what he'll do? He'll look at me like I'm an idiot and grill me on the fact that I didn't tell him sooner. And I'll lose. Again. And I have Mr. Garlington and the massive paper to look forward to. Fun. AND Mrs. Bowen. AND reviewing for my test on physics. And all I can say is, "Can I stay home tomorrow" Nope. *sigh*
Guess I better go do homework. I'm saddened at the thought that I probably won't get to write in my blog until next Wednesday. Which means that next time I write this blog:
  • The concert will be over
  • we will have gone to state
  • tech week will be halfway through

etc. etc etc....

Gotta go. Mom's home. UGH. 'night! :)

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