Monday, October 18, 2010

Random post full of excitement and hopefullness :)

This weekend has been amazing! I guess I'll start from the beginning :)
Friday: For one thing, I got to leave school early, which is a highlight in itself. But where I left to go to made it even better. I was on my way to a broadway workshop, with Sutton Foster!!! Oh my goodness she's amazing. And she is so down to earth, I felt like we could of been such good friends! To be honest I wasn't entirely impressed with anyone who sang for her, but I enjoyed learning from the critique she gave them. One of the big things I learned was that in a solo concert setting, you should keep your movements subtle and to a minimum, instead of in a show setting where you're expressive with movement. It was cool to see her apply the things she taught in the workshop in her concert that night. And then after the concert, my amazing parents bought me her CD! I got it signed and was able to talk to her for a few seconds, and get a picture with her. It was a great night :) Oh, and Friday night was the season 3 premiere for Sanctuary, which is one of my absolute favorite shows! I'm proud to be a scifi geek!
Saturday was eventful as well. We were invited to visit with my Mom's cousin James, and his wife Martha. Let me tell you, they live in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE! It was like were in the Witness Protection Society. Anyways, after we survived driving down their grassy driveway(which James said would test our religious faith. LOL!) we finally made it to their house. Their house is so cute. Margeret has a room that she uses for her hobby of weaving(I know, weaving!), and their house has a very old fashioned homey feel. They don't have a TV, so it was VERY quiet! Almost too quiet. But for the day, it was alright. Their vegetarians(so cool!), so we ate sandwiches made out of homemade bread that they made themselves, organic cheese, and lettuce. We also ate pickled vegetables(which I love!) and this homemade vegetable soup that Margeret made. Oh my goodness it was so great. After eating and talking, we went out for a hike on their property. They have ninety acres of beautiful forest, and they have a little hiking trail that they walk their dog on. It was beautiful. I couldn't stop taking pictures! The leaves were just beginning to change, so it was just..amazing. Though the trail was really steep, I survived!(thank you Zumba classes) After we survived hiking, and we all made it down the hill, we came inside and looked at old family pictures. James made coffee, but he and Mom got so engrossed in the pictures, we all forgot about it! It was alright though, looking at pictures was definitely better than coffee. Though when we finally remembered about the coffee, we all sat down and ate Margeret's sour cherry pie(which was the BEST fruit pie I've ever eaten, honest!) and drank the coffee. After much talking, the sun started to set, which signaled that it was time for us to head home. We went outside, said our goodbyes, and set off towards home. It was a really great visit overall :) For just meeting them, they are really cool! Who knew Mom had cousins? I guess I didn't, shame on me!
And then there was Sunday: My King's academy orientation. Best. Day. Ever. I met all of the High School teachers, I got to tour the school, and I got to eat lunch in the cafeteria before touring the dorms! It was great. And I got to meet the band and art teachers, and see Mrs. Thomas(which made my day) again. It's so nice to know that I can look foward to being with a choir teacher who I can share a mutual respect with, and who will be my mentor and friend. She said that she couldn't wait for me to be in her choir! Me! Mrs. Bowen really couldn't care less, if you ask me. Goodness if she ever saw my blog I would be dead. But you know what? I'm not afraid of her anymore. In 7(yes, Seven!!!) weeks, I'll be away from her from good. And I won't even turn back. OH MY GOODNESS I'M SO EXCITED!!! I didn't want to go home when the orientation was over. Oh, and guess what? I got a 7 out of 9 on my intelligence test(with 5 being the average score). :D There is a brain in my head! And a pretty smart one, too! Ahh it'll be so refreshing to be taught under teachers who will treat me as an equal and appreciate me for who I am, and not as just another student.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday, we meet again....

AGH I'm so sleepy. And pathetic. I didn't even finish my Algebra II homework last night. I just kind of fell asleep with it next to my bed. I know, pathetic. But anyways, it's Thursday morning, and I'm dreading school. Though what else is new?
I haven't learned a thing in chemistry, because she likes to rant about her lack of technology.
I've learned a lot in U.S History, but the teacher's too happy and overly animated personality scares me at times.
There's an average of 6-8 kids sleeping on a typical day. Those kids run around and play nerf football while climbing out of the windows when the teacher's not there.
We're FINALLY getting somewhere in choir, now that the teacher's figured out how lazy everyone's become and how much we suck.
So yeah, that's my typical school day. Sounds like fun, right?
Oh I just remembered I have something awesome to tell you!!
Guess what I did on Sunday?
Just guess!
I went to Madame Butterfly with Dad!!!
It was. Amazing. They brought in from Korea their Butterfly, and their Suzuki was from Japan. They were my favorites. The emotions potrayed on their faces could be seen and understood all the way up to the top row. And their voice. OH MY GOODNESS YOU SHOULD OF BEEN THERE THEY WERE INCREDIBLE! I strive to have a voice as trained as theirs one day. It was amazing. The only thing I wasn't impressed with was their Pinkerton. His voice wasn't as strong as the other tenors, and for an opera singer, his space was more Tennesseish than Italian. Though I have to hand it to him, his Italian was beautiful, so I guess that's why he wasn't as loud: it's not easy to spit out all of that Italian! But anyways, Madame Butterfly is a beautiful opera, and I'm so glad I got to go see it with my Dad! :)
Ok I gotta go. It's 7:00 and I better get ready or else I'll face the wrath of my mother, who does not get enough sleep(thanks to me and my brother hehe we're really pathetic)
But yeah, I gotta go! Hopefully I'll get better with posting.(one day!)