Sunday, March 14, 2010

Yesterday(Saturday) Our Town, and my immense love for my theatre friends :)

Yesterday was a very good day. I forgot how much I missed my real theatre friends! They mean so much to me :) Anyways, I was ushering for the play Our Town, which my best friend Elizabeth was starring in. It was amazing. I cried, which means a lot seeing as I never cry. I think the fact that Elizabeth was the one that was dead and her emotion really hit me more than if anyone else played it. It was great. I wouldn't say that it's one of my favorite plays, but they put it on so beautifully, I fell in love with the show. It makes you think more about everything in your life. The little things. You know what I mean? The character rushed through her life and didn't realize all of the beautiful things she was missing until she was dead. It was very sad.

*new subject* There's something that I adore about Walter State's theatre. It's practically been a second home to me for the past three years! I know it sounds weird, but there's this musty smell to the theatre that brings back so many happy memories of when I saw shows there years before, I'll just take a deep breath and the memories flood me. Also, getting to see my friends and getting to play around in the theatre becomes an instant highlight to my day. They really are true friends!

Another reason why yesterday was such a great day was that got to hang out with Elizabeth for more than two minutes! It was really refreshing to be around someone that actually understands your plethora of inside jokes. I don't know if it sounds weird, but I was so proud of her accomplishments. I mean, she's my best friend, how could I not be! I couldn't stop smiling at the curtain call when she got a standing O, it was awesome! Not saying that the rest of the cast was amazing, because they were all incredible! I was very jealous, I would of loved to say that I was in that cast! I can't wait to see if I make Music Man, I want to get back into a cast of thespians that actually appreciate me!(since I am treated like a nobody in the E/W musical, but that's a story for another day.)
I know this post has been kind of all over the place, but I am just filled with love for my friends after getting to spend the day with them, they mean so much to me!
Captions for photos:
Top: BIG the musical, cast and techies :)
Middle: My friends came to see me in the King and I!(well, not just me, but you know know...) How sweet!
Bottom: My fellow dancers in the King and I, they were so much fun to work with!

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