Like the title says, my day hasn't been too bad. Here's a rundown of my day:
Government: Review for tomorrow's test. Midterm on Friday. This test is basically another midterm, mainly the purpose of it is to provide us with another grade. And another night of stressing. Lovely. Especially wonderful when your list of "terms to know" takes up two pages front and back, without the definitions. I was feeling really discouraged and overwhelmed about all of the terms and concepts, but at the end of class, Mr. Bradley told me that I was doing what I was supposed to be doing, and that I was doing a good job, which made me feel soo much better. So that was a nice ending to my first period class :)
Latin: The history game wasn't as bad as I expected. I actually enjoyed it. And finding out that the test is multiple choice made me feel much better! Maybe Ancient Egypt isn't as difficult as I though it was.
Latin: The history game wasn't as bad as I expected. I actually enjoyed it. And finding out that the test is multiple choice made me feel much better! Maybe Ancient Egypt isn't as difficult as I though it was.
Choir: Of course Mrs. Bowen decided to strip Josh and I of our solo. Of course she yells at me for being a diva! Of course I have five seniors on my side, agreeing with me, but are afraid to say anything. Why do I have to be the one with the big mouth, with no fear to say what everyone else is thinking? Oh well. I'm not afraid of her. Not that I don't have respect for her, which I do inmmensely. It's just.....well, you simply have to be in class with her on a daily basis to see who she really is. Besides that little event that ruined the class period, the rest of the time was alright. AND, we found out that school would be closing at 1:30! I was very happy because I was not looking foward to Physical Science. I'm also happy because missing one P.S class means that we won't have a test on Friday. I won't be behind! So overall school today wasn't half bad :)
After school: I found out that I had a voice lesson right after school, and much to my surprise, Josh wanted to tag along. I knew that he was having problems with learning basic vocal support and placement, I just didn't know that he was aware of it! So that made me happy. The lesson went pretty well, I think I'm going to sing either "Think of Me" or "Green Finch and Linnet Bird" for my audition this Saturday for the Music Man. Right after that, I said goodbye to Josh and ran to my violin/piano lesson. I find it highly amusing that one of the pieces that I'm working on for my ensemble concert, I'm starting the song on the violin, then switching to saxophone and playing the melody, then finishing the song on the violin! It's funny when I'm reading the music for saxophone, but my mind is thinking in violin positions! Definitely a good mind exercise :)
Now I'm at home for the rest of the evening, due to a canceled Into the Woods rehearsal(not. good.) and canceled dance classes(which my dear mother is not happy about, since the roads are clear and she is the one to pay for my dancing endeavors) I'm not looking foward to this evening personally, because I have to study for tomorrow's Government test, and the 'rents seem tired, which will lead to stress. But I think the fact that our labrador and our weiner dog are laying down with them will help their mood rise. I guess I better get back to studying.....ugh. I hate the fact that I find myself at times wishing my life away, but I can't wait for Friday! Choir competition, hurry up! Or I should say, Disney World, get here already! Captions for pictures: What I really want to be eating right no....icecream! Pinkberry parfait please? :)

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