I'm in schock. It's Monday afternoon, before nine p.m, and I'm actually home from school! I think this is the first time this has occured since.....last semester probably. But anyways, about my school day...
1st period. Governent. Pop FRQ, AKA we give you a subject, you have half an hour to write on it. Discussing interest groups and the concept of realignment? Not fun. Good thing I studied!
2nd period. Latin II. I had high hopes for an amazing history lecture, but was bummed to recieve 40 Latin Grammer problems and a lecture on Infinitive Absolute. Joy. Though listening to my iPod during class made it all better :)
3rd period. Advanced Choir. Good news which made my day. I HAVE SOLO FOR THE CONCERT AT DISNEY WORLD!!! Ok, so technically it's a duet, but that's OK, because my voice will be heard, and I won't be in the shadows, my little feeble chance in the spotlight! So that made my day better. We also rehearsed our pieces for our big yearly competition we attend. I'm more excited this year than I was last year, because 1. I'm in the advanced choir, and not the drama filled girls choir, and 2. We actually have a good chance on making state, which would be amazing. So I had a good time.
lunch. Mrs. Bowen's office, where I chill everyday. Depending on Mrs. Bowen's mood, lunch is either pleasant or just not fun. Today it was pleasant. Mostly because the fact that she appreciates my musical intellect, and my critism for my colleagues. Especially when your good friends are screaming like banshees while banging on the piano, thinking they sound like the next "Glee" stars. Which they don't. They are entirely off pitch, they're singing on their vocal chords instead of their diaphram, and the songs and harmonies were simply annoying! So that's what our conversation was about pretty much, which I enjoyed. And than the ball rang, and the good times were over....time for:
4th Period. Physical Science. Balancing chemical equations, which along with the other 13 chapters in the book, I have no interest what so ever in. I don't care! I mean, I understand how other people find this interesting, but to me I think it's boring. Which of course doesn't matter, because I have to pass this class to graduate. Of course I do. Though the class was mildly interesting today because everyone was on edge due to our code 1 lockdown, leading to a search. Too bad we didn't get searched, they would of found a jackpot on me!(if you consider a jackpot and iPod, a cellphone, and camera) But besides that tiny event, the class went on, and I recieved a lovely worksheet that will help me practice my balancing skills for chemical equations. Lovely.
After School: I really enjoyed the ten minutes of my life after the bell rang for us to leave. In a way, I kind of felt like the Doctor in the episode, "the End of Time" when he realizes that he's going to generate and goes to "get his reward". He goes to Donna's wedding with a lottery ticket for her parents, who he dearly loves. He saves the life of his first companion's son and than leaves to save his past companion's life while she's in a battle. Finally he goes back to 2005 to get a last glimpse of the girl he loves and will never get to see again due to the fact that she's stuck in an alternate reality(the is science fiction, go figure) to tell her how fantastic a year she's going to have(because she's going to meet him a few days later!) Basically, he sees all of the people he loves in one day before leaving for a long time. Ok, so maybe that doesn't exactly relate to me, but I did get to see some very dear friends that I rarely see anymore, and probably will not see for a few months. My reward was that they still care about me, and I got to hug them. And if you know me, you know how much a good hug means to me! So yeah, it was a good ten minutes :)
My hour at home is quickly ending, and I'm about to leave for Into the Woods rehearsal, so I better get off here since I'm already starting to get "diahrea of the keyboard" though in some people's opinion I'm way past that! :)
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