Well, technically I've been home since Monday. But I've been so tired, and sick(thank you vacation for killing my immune system) I haven't had the chance to update. But yeah, I'm back! And let me tell you, I had an amazing time. Even though four kids got sent home because of pot posession, and the room assignments for most girls were to say the least ascewed, it was a pretty uneventful trip in the drama division. It was really nice that I got to be at Disney with my family, as strange as it sounds coming out of a teenager's mouth, it made the trip better. :) Here's a few highlights:
- Doing absolutely everything Andrew and I wanted to do at Animal kingdom. Seriously. I
made an agenda of everything me, Mom and Andrew wanted to do, and we did it all!
- Meeting up with Dad after he arrived from his flight and seeing Cirque De Soleil. That show was incredible. Too bad they almost "escorted" me out of the building for taking one picture. And I didn't even use the flash! It was still incredible
- Waiting in line for over an hour with Dad and Andrew at Space Mountian. Surprisingly, we didn't run out of things to talk about! And the 2 minute ride really was fun.
- Not caring if we got in trouble with Mrs. Bowen for refusing to check in at the front of the park, and instead having incredible seats for the Spectromagic parade and Wishes fireworks.
- Wishes! You know I'm a wimp. I choke up everytime I see that fireworks show. The whole thing about if you believe in you wish, it will come true kind of thing kind of hits a chord with me. And seeing Tinkerbell fly down off the castle was just the icing of the cake :)
- Our performence. The reason we went to Disney in the first place. Even in the warmup room we were still not sure whether our show was going to be a hit or miss. We nailed it! We had over a hundred people standing around watching us, not including the hundreds of people just passing by! On our finale, I just looked at every audience member in the eye and gave that performence my all. And the standing ovation? That's a good feeling. Especially since the people aren't paying for the performence, and they could leave at any time! Amazing.
- Watching Indiana Jones and the Lights Motors Action shows with the family. It really is more fun with your family. Especially when you get to choose what to do, and you're not constantly made fun of because the fact that you're underclass! Being appreciated is a good feeling.
- Eating at Emeril's in Universal Studios. Let me just say it. I did not like Universal Studios. At all. Boring! But right outside the part was this little jewel of a restraunt that just happened to be owned by THE Emeril! Yeah. And guess who treated us to lunch at THAT restraunt? Yeah, my Dad! It was the highlight of my day.
- Mom's first Starbucks expierence. And my third grande light mocha frappicino. Liquid bliss. And Mom's black and white hot chocolate wasn't too bad either ;)
So yeah, that in a nutshell was my vacation. I'm in the process of finishing my scrapbook, so I'll be sure to post pics of the book.
And now to today. I'm home, I'm sick, and I have a ton of studying for midterms to look foward to! And all I can say is, "why did I ever leave Florida?"
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