I don't want to go to school. You wouldn't want to either if you had to face a Government quiz, a cranky Choir teacher, and a review for tomorrow's Physical Science test(which I just found out about yesterday.) Wonderful. Only good thing is that because of Disney, I'm missing my latin and physical science midterms! That's the procrastinator in me jumping for joy. Now I realize that now I have something to look foward to after break. Yaaaay.
Though I am happy for a few things:
Music Man Cast list: I made it!! I am a "River City Teen". As in, I get to be in the big dance scenes, and actually do stuff in almost every scene! So much better than SOM, where all we did was sing behind the audience. The only time they saw us was for maybe half a minute when we would happen to walk on stage, sing, then leave. But I'm so excited for this show! The cast is amazing. Really amazing. And there's no nun army!(you would complain too if you were 1 of 40 nuns.) Anyways...
Governor's School Handbook: The book that tells us everything about what we're doing at Gov. School.(well, with the exception of our actual classes) But it's so exciting, because Elizabeth and I have been talking about everything we're going to do while we're there! We've also been making friends on a Gov. School discussion board, which is awesome. So now I have serious spring/summer fever, and I really want to get out of school!
Disney World: We're going to, as Mrs. Bowen calls it, the happy place! I know I sound really spoiled(which I am, in a sense) but two complaints are: We're not staying in the park and we're not going to Epcot(my favorite park.) If we stayed in the park, we could stay at Magic Kingdom until 3 am, which is such a magical expierence! My other complaint is that we're not ready for our actual performence. And we only have two days to rehearse! Not practice our already learned show, but rehearse and get the order and our songs straight! And we won't be able to practice when we get to Disney, so tomorrow is our last day before performing on Friday! Agggh!
Well, enough writing for this morning, I have to get ready for...school. Fun. But I'm confident that something good will happen, because There's always a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day! In this case literally and figuratively. ;)
Caption for Photo: Just a little bit of Disney!
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