How can a seemingly good week turn bad so quickly? Apparently in my case, it can. Because I missed Government and Latin on Monday, I missed a whole chapter in Gov. and a new grammer section in Latin. Wonderful. So because of this, I unknowningly walked into a pop quiz in Gov.(which I got a 20 on. Great.) and two new assignments on the grammer I did not know how to do in latin. Whooh. Welcome back Katie Jo! And today we had a pop FRQ(which is basically a pop "we give you a subject, you write a paper on it" quiz) which of course was a great start to my day. Latin was alright, though I wish G could of lectured on Greek Mythology instead of grammer. And then there was physical science. Oh how I loathe physical science! I loathe it with every fiber of my being. Anyways, it was the big finale! I got my test back from yesterday. What do I mean by finale? I mean my grade. My big, fat, failing grade. A 42. 42!! My worst nightmare. I was shocked for the first ten minutes prior to recieving the test, then I had to go to the bathroom and cry. Just a little, simply because I couldn't believe I actually got that low of a test score. A first for me. So yeah, it's been a great day.
I refuse to end this entry on a grey note so I'm going to list things that I'm looking foward to:
Disney Trip: Next Wednesday!!
Spring Break: :More Disney World, plus I get to see my cousins, and my other Aunt and Uncle!
State Choir Competition: Hello? It's state! I'm so pumped :)
Music Man cast list: This is the first time that I'm not worried about knowing about if I'm in the cast. It's a good feeling. I guess you shouldn't worry about things that you can't change or handle.
Governor's School: I know it a long way away, but I'm still pumped! I'm just afraid of something my Dad said: How much work it's going to be. But isn't that why I'm going? To learn about music and my voice? I think I'll survive....right?
And Finally...Going to bed: *snore*
Caption for picture: Where I wish I was right now. :)
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