Rehearsal went well in my opinion. The majority of the cast had full confidence in their lines/songs, and the orchestra was doing a lot better. But with all high school performences, there were little problems. You would think that people would know that if you can see the audience(from the wings) they can see you! And, NO TEXTING backstage! Do people have any common sense? Apparently not. But don't get me wrong, I have a load of respect for each of the principle cast members, what they've been able to accomplish in less than two months is incredible. Hello, it's Stephen Sondheim! But once again, this is high school, and some of the singing is not at it's best. Maybe it's just because Rapunzel is one of my dream roles, and maybe it's because I know for a fact that I could play the role, but the girl they chose is not up to the same standard as the rest of the cast! I love her to death as a person, bless her heart, but you do not cast a low alto to sing the part of a first soprano! Every time I hear her sing the part an octave LOWER(which is pet peeve for me in the first place, when someone can not sing the part the way it is written.) I feel like....I don't know....twitching. Or throwing something? Maybe I'm being a bit dramatic, and I know I'm a being a diva, but it's a bit frustrating when every time she opens her mouth, it's always a little squeak, and than a giggle. But you know what? Why should I care!? It's only going to matter until next Sunday, and then the show will be over, and I'll be off to the next thing! I feel much better now actually. I am NOT going to stress out over this show more than necessary, because it's not worth it! I mean I care about the show and I want to be a success, but it's not like this a broadway show that I will be with for months! So I'm going to just chill, and take everything day by day. There. I feel so much better! Thank you blog for letting me rant a rant until I feel better :)
Now on to the season finale of the Bacholer! Did I really just say that? Yeah, I did. I'm voting for Tinly! No Vienna! haha
Caption for photo: It is me. I am the closet diva. I am the singer. I am the Star!
Don't stress, think of it as a stepping stone to better things. Or something inspirational like that.