I'm not a big fan of Wednesdays. Well, the school day part that is. And today was particularily miserable. And it all started with my Government test.
Government: Unit 3 test. 60 questions in 45 minutes. Usually Mr. Bradley will let us know when we have 20 min. left, 15 min. left, etc. But not this time. So here I was, right at the halfway point, thinking, "well, he hasn't said we have 15 minutes left, so I'm doing pretty well!" wrong. If it weren't for some wonderful student in our class that asked to know the time, I would of been pretty doomed. Apparently unbeknownst to me, I had 8 minutes to answer 30 questions about some very difficult political topics! I was in a semi-panic. I knew that I would fail if I guessed the rest of them, so I speed read the questions, chose the best answer, and was doing pretty well. Until his watch beeped. There's no way 8 minutes could of gone by that fast. And I was so close, I only had five questions left! Let's just say I was not a happy camper. If it weren't for the fact that Mr. Bradley looked like he was to the point of almost lashing out at any innocent bystander, I would of openly complained about his lack of keeping us notified on how much time we had left. So that was a lovely start to my day.
Latin: Thank you Mr. Garlington, for giving us a four page packet filled with latin grammer exercises. Thank you for making my day even better by reminding us that our Ancient Egypt test is the next day. And thank you for complaining that I didn't bring any pretzels! Arrgh! I was not having a good morning. It didn't help that we did not have homeroom, adding another half hour to our 2nd period, latin! The only thing that cheered me up was that I got to listen to my iPod. Even though it was freezing outside, songs like "Under the Boardwalk" and "Summer in the City" made me feel like I was in Florida! Too bad the bell rang and I had to go to choir.
Choir: Not fun. I know this sounds very unprofessional, but I am so sick of singing the same songs! I will be so happy when our competition is over, because then I can move on to the Disney and Spring concerts. I am utterly exhaunsted, and not in the mood to rant about how annoyed I am about our version of "Man in the Mirror" and how much it sounds like Kiz Bop. Nor will I go on about how people in general frustrate me. Not all the time, but sometimes bad personality atributes that they have come like a monster. And I'm not saying that like I'm perfect, I know that I have a huge mouth, plus I'm a diva(though not a drama queen), and when those come out, people would mistake me for the Kraken.
Physical Science. I hate this class. I really love Mrs. Paul as a person and I love being in her class, but there's something about science that just doesn't.....click. Maybe it's because of the fact that it's the last period in the day, and I'm about to fall asleep, or maybe my mind is so full with saxophone, voice, piano and violin music plus Into the Woods libretto and Church music, that there's no more room! But everytime I come into that class, I just feel lost. It really doesn't help that it's all math.
Welp. I've got to go study for History. Ancient Egypt. Maybe I'll actually go to bed before midnight tonight! :)
caption for photo: A collage I made the other day. Celebrities that inspire me. When I get more time I think I'll list them all plus how they inspire me. But for now I guess I'll just list them.
David Tennant, Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire, Rachel Mcadams, *the girl who plays Ziva in NCIS*, Gene Kelly, Amy Adams, Keira Knightly, Emma Watson, Idina Menzel, Kristen Chenoweth, Mickey Rooney, and Frank Sinatra. *whew* :)
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