I don't think I want to go to school today. I do not want to wake up at 6:30 to another snowycolddreary day. I do not want to go to AP Government, where I know most of the concepts that Mr. Bradley discusses will simply go over my head! And it doesn't help that half of the forensic debaters are in my class, they would argue over what time it is! I do not want to go to latin II and take part in an Ancient Egypt verbal "activity" which I know is going to be some sort of extra credit quiz. I do not want to go to homeroom, simply because of my creeper teacher, who probably is really nice in real life, but he stupidty sometimes frustrates me. I MIGHT want to go to to choir, but than I realize that Mrs. Bowen's probably going to be in a bad mood.....once again. And I'll have to take the blunt of it. I do not want to go to Physical Science, because I have no interest or concept of Balancing Chemical Equations, even though my dear Mother tells me that I've already learned this, and it's easy. Of course it is! That's why I can't get it probably. *sigh* And finally I do not want to go to Into the Woods rehearsal, because I am only there to be on book if anyone forgets their lines, and to turn on and off the lights in the creepy, hasn't been touched since the 80's light booth. Wonderful.
But you know what? Tuesdays are a challenge, no doubt about it. So I think instead of dreading it, maybe looking foward to it will change my day from bad to better. This girl is going to be the ray of sunshine on this dreary snowy day. YES! I WILL make people smile, and if they don't, then I'll make them! YEAH! haha
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