So, I've had an incredible four day weekend. I love when my weekend is memorable and filled with events.
Friday: Choir Competition!!! Let me tell you, I was just a little nervous. Not about the actual performence(which by the way, was the best we have ever performed!), but I was worried about the sight singing and sight rythm. But we actually exceeded my expectations! We had to wait until after lunch to actually perform, so we listened to choirs for a little over two hours. It put me to sleep. Apparently the fact that we were the only advanced choir competing that day meant that everyone sucked. Thank goodness Mrs. Bowen got us out of there in the nick of time for lunch! Lunch was great. Me, Josh, Brett and Kelly went to this mexican resterant, Monterray's, which is pretty much cheap cheesy food. Though I enjoyed my senior friend's company, which all that mattered to me. It makes me think, "what am I going to do when they graduate at the end of this year!" so sad. Anyways, it was finally time for us to perform. I was amazed and almost brought to tears(I can be really sensitive sometimes) when a couple of the guys wanted us to hold hands and have our accompianist to say a prayer. It was really touching and meaningful, and showed how tight of a group we were. Big difference from last year, trust me! When we got up on that stage, we shined. We didn't miss a beat, and we all blended perfectly. For the first time, I didn't just sing the music, I felt and became the music. Let me tell you, to a musician, that is the best feeling in the world. After we did our sight singing/rythm, we boarded the bus, and waited for Mrs. Bowen to come back with our results. Well, all I have to say is......we got straight ones!!!! Straight ones!!! That's the highest score you can get, and we've never achieved it until this year!!! And that means that we're going to state!! Let me just say that the ride home was a party. We sang and chanted and screamed and clapped...it was great. Well, the back of the bus was. Too bad the girl's choir got twos and didn't get state. They were kind of quiet the whole time.(not counting the death looks some of them gave us) But I didn't care, that hour and a half bus ride was a high school expierence I will never forget. :)
Thursday Evening, and the surprise I was not expecting:: After Into the Woods rehearsal, I was expecting to go home, and sleep. Silly me, what a crazy idea! Mom called and said that we were going to the VIP premiere of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at the Miracle Theatre in Pigeon Forge! I was in shock. Half of me was like, "thisissocoolI'msoexcited!!!", while the other half of me was like, "of all days for my Mom to get a wild hair and become spontanious". After the shock wore off, I couldn't wait to get there. When we arrived, they had a red carpet out, with a ton of radio stations reporting on the location. It was pretty cool. I was dying for the show to start, so I went inside, grabbed a free popcorn and sprite, and made it inside the theatre. This was the first time I had ever been in the Miracle, and I must say I was just a bit disapointed. The stage was beautiful, but the audience was tiny! It had to be about half the size of the Celebrity Theatre in Dollywood. It didn't help that our seats were in the back row! Lovely. Anyways, the show started, and I was pretty pumped at that point. I was in Joseph two years ago(I played brother Gad, oh yes!) so I new every word in the show. AKA I'm a very tough critic when it comes to this particular show. I had no complaints whatsoever. The singing was impressive(hello, the narrator was Melinda Doolittle from American Idol! She's amazing), their dance numbers were awesome, and their lighting and use of technology was very clever. Ok I was spellbound! I love this show and I love when it's put on well. At intermission, I really wanted to try and get closer, because being in the back row was not doing anything for me. After much pushing and sucking up, we made it into the fourth row in the front! I was a very happy kid then. The second act was just the icing on the cake. They were so enthusiastic and made me jealous that I wasn't up there too! Afterwards I talked to the guy who played Joseph and got a picture of me with him. Even though we didn't get home until midnight, and the fact that I was very irritable the next day, it was a great evening. :)
Friday night through Sunday afternoon:: D-Now Weekend. I'm not going to talk about how irked I was with the girls and their extreme addiction to texting. I'm not going to talk about how bad I feel about eating "teenager junk food that no human should consume". But I am going to talk abotu my incredible expierences, and how I learned how to become a better person through God. Our band for the weekend was the Andrew Ogea Band. Not exactly my type of music, but I still thought they were amazing. The drummer and piano player(Edmund Kee and Adam Fontana) were my favorites from the band. Our speaker was Rob Wilton, who is the pastor of a church in New Orleans. He really touched me. During one of his sermons, he told us something that made me smile. He said that man you should not fear man because they can only kill your body; you should fear God because he can destroy both your body and your soul. It made me feel good that I was one of the few people that was actually listening(the people around me were either whispering or texting, argh.) because if I wasn't, I really would of missed out. This man's passion and love for God and his word literally radiated from his face. It was contagious! He made me feel even more passionate for God than I ever have before! He also said something that I'd heard a million times, but only truly understood this weekend. He said that it is not him speaking, it is God speaking through him. Isn't that amazing? The glory of God was with us that weekend. Not that it isn't with me any other time! Needless to say it was an expierence I will never forget. I feel truly revived, and I'm going to view the people that I'm around at school in a whole new perspective. My goal in life is to show people my passion and love for the lord through my actions and personality. I know it's working when people don't understand why I'm always happy, or when they think I'm too much of a "goody twoshoes" or "too nice". That's when I know that they notice something different about me. That I'm a christian and am passionate for God! That's a good feeling :)
Well, I think I'm going to go take a nap. Or as my Mom says, "I think I'm going to go into a coma, get me out of it in a few hours!". I really need one, seeing as I kept getting kicked away by my little freshman roommates, who kicked me everytime I started snoring. Just because I went to bed at midnight and you went to bed at 6 doesn't make me a crazy person! Oh well. Sometimes you really can't get people to understand you. Not like that brings down my spirit or anything! I'm in a great mood!! Though that will soon end when that Issac Newton paper and Government midterm come back into reality.....