Friday, December 31, 2010
Ten minutes....
2011, WHAT?!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Day 1 of the "Cold War"
Woke up at 5 am(not by choice) and gargled warm water, blew my nose about twenty times, and ate a Hall's Vitamin C drop. Lemon flavored. Then I spent the next half hour trying to fall asleep again.
When I offically awoke at 9 am, I couldn't breathe. Again. And my throat was extremely dry. Which is my worst nightmare, because now I can barely talk, and sing. Fun. Anyways, I ate a blueberry mini bagel, a banana, and a mug of lemon tea. I sat in bed for another two hours, then drank some peppermint tea. Then I took a
I must be crazy, but my one guilty pleasure is a really hot, really long shower. Another crazy thing: I stole my brother's Axe Shower gel and took it for my own, only because it has a ton of menthol, and when you put it on a bath poufe, it opens up your sinuses like nobody's business. And it is this intense shade of blue that I really like. hehe I also use three different shampoos, and a conditioner. Yep. I sound spoiled. But they all work for different reasons, so I kind of have to have them! One is for body, one is for shine, I'm not sure what the other one is for yet, and my conditioner is vital! I guess I wouldn't technically have to have it, but we all have things that we don't need, right? Ok now I'm really blabbing. Anyways, the shower really helped my sinuses, but at this moment I'm stuck with a really dry throat. ehh. We'll see how the rest of the week goes. :P
Oh another thing: my Aunt B.C and Uncle Matt are here from Louisianna! They got in around five yesterday, and I think today we're going to do nothing. I was going to say what we were going to do, but then I realized that we really aren't doing anything today, so that's why I put in that awkward sentence. I think tonight is my brother's basketball tournament, so we probably will go watch him do that. As for the other twelvish hours in my day, I have no idea what we're doing. We'll see!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
This past week has been literally a weekend of sleepovers. Sunday night/Monday morning was spent at Brittaney's house, where we made sundaes, talked about anything and everything, playing pee poker(I got second place after drinking over sixty shots of water and being the second to go to the bathroom after holding my poor bladder for over 1 1/2 hours!), and falling asleep to She's the Man. Definitely what I was call a successful sleepover. The next day(Tuesday) consisted of music lessons with Mrs. Syder, and sleep recovery from the night before. On Wednesday I left at 9 am for Knoxville to hitch a ride with Laura to Nashville for my second Governor's School reunion! We arrived at David's house at about 6:00, and were greeted by Savannah and David. Many hugs ensued of course. After everyone else arrived, we ate a fabulous dinner cooked by David's "gourmet" chef of a Dad, took a ton of pictures of us dressed up in our finest, and played some hilarious games, thanks to Staci's genius creativity. Poor David and Savannah. Let's just say that using panti hose, balloons, and ribbon makes quite the hilarious reindeer costume. Then we changed into our PJ's, and played Dirty Santa. After practically paying JJ to trade my Obama chia head for his caramel popcorn, I ended with the edible gift. Of course. Better than the silly bands I guess! At about 1 am, I passed out in the comfy chair, while everyone else stayed to 5:30. Of course. I'm pretty pathetic when it comes to all-nighters. But it's OK I guess. That morning(Thursday) we chowed down on David's Dad's Mickey Mouse pancakes and cranberry juice. OH NOM NOM. We chilled in David's room and listed to music while digesting our breakfast, before getting out of our pajamas and preparing for an outing to explore where David lives. I must say, my friends are really great drivers. I hope I can be that good....once I get my permit. :P Anyways, we ended up eating lunch at P.F Changs, which was simply delightful. I've never eaten that much soup in my life! When we arrived back at David's house, JJ and Miranda left, and Laura and I were left to wait for Laura's Dad to take us back to Knoxville. It was sad saying goodbye to David. But after a three hour drive back to Knoxville, and an hour drive east, I was home! And very sleepy. Friday(Christmas Eve!) consisted of sleeping, chilling, and the Candlelight service at church. That was probably the highlight of my Christmas. Seeing all of those people hold up their candles during 'Silent Night' was very moving. And singing the high notes in 'O Holy Night' was so much fun. Definitely a successful service. And I got to open two presents that night! Mom and Dad got me a personalized Tervis Tumbler, and black slippers(which I'm wearing right now. SO SOFT.) After watching the Holiday with Mom and Dad, I went to sleep. Which leads me to:
Christmas Morning!
I awoke at 5 am, to look at what I recieved from good 'ole Kris Kringle, and saw:
A keyboard, a HP laptop, George Bush's autobiography, some professional grade shampoo, two Trollbeads(which are on backorder, so I'll get them in January), a scarf and some socks, my new school uniforms(lovely.), a purple peacoat, and a few other little things. I didn't get a lot of things on my list, but I've recieved many things throughout the year, so I'm throughly grateful. I'm trying not to take anything for granted, because knowing God, if you let material things get in the way of your relationship with him, he'll take it all away. So I'm definitely going to put him first always. :) After picture taking and gift opening, I went back to bed, then chilled until dinner. My Mom is the BEST. We ate turkey w/ dressing, mashed potatoes(homemade!!), peas, and topped it off with pumkin pie. So. Good. And that brings me to now. I'm sitting in the basement with my new laptop, waiting for Andrew to come back down and play modern warefare on his new "kinect" X Box 360, and maybe turn on First Baptist's Living Christmas tree pre recorded on TV. At this moment, life is good. :)
Next week my Aunt B.C and Uncle Matt will be coming in from Louisianna and staying with us for a few days. A Dollywood trip will definitely happen during next week. And then next Sunday, I move into my dorm at TKA! So exciting!
Well, that's all for now. I'm going to play around with my new laptop some more, and watch Dad and Andrew jump around in from of he Kinect. Merry Christmas everyone! :)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Snow! Or not. Maybe a little? Please?
Thank goodness I had a bright spot in my day. Music lessons were exceptionally fun today. I didn't do any piano today, but worked on my violin pieces that I will be playing Friday for the ensemble recital at the nursing home. It's so much fun to 'jam' with Mrs. Snyder, especially when I actually know the pieces well!(for the most part that is. hehe) Mom said that I will most likely have to quit music lessons when I change schools next semester, which depresses me. I'm really starting to get into the violin, and I really enjoy working with Mrs. Snyder. So having to quit would be really saddening. I'm hoping everything works out so that I can keep taking piano and violin lessons!
Ok I better go. I'm getting sleepy, and I want to get a decent night's sleep tonight.'s snowing! Not a blizzard of course, but it's better than nothing! Goodnight!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Last night of November, last Christmas Concert
Goodness I can't believe tomorrow is December 1st. Blows my mind! I really need to start making my Christmas presents!
This weekend is going to be crazy! I have:
Ensemble practice
White Christmas(second weekend!)
Church choir Christmas specials
and studying for finals. Oh joy.
So I probably better get back to my chemistry studying. UGH. If I hear Mrs. Stansberry say that we're going to do anything with moles again, I'll scream! Thank goodness I only have two weeks left until I'm out of there!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Woah Thanksgiving!
I went to All East last weekend. It was a ton of fun. I finally memorized my Russian! Our director was so cool. She was super nice and made everyone want to do their best, and put all of their energy into the performence. Oh, I got to see a portion of my Governor's School family too. :) And sing with them! That was kind of the highlight of the weekend. Of course if you don't count seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. :D The only sad part about the weekend was that I found out that I did not make All State. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one out of my GSFTA family that did not make it. :( Oh well, there's always next year I guess. :)
I only have two more weeks of school, and that makes me SO HAPPY! No more science, no more math, and no more public school! :D
This week has been crazy. I'm working tech for White Christmas(which opens this Friday!), and let me tell you, it's intense. I've never been involved with a production that had this much set and props! It's almost too much. But I'm under great leadership, and I get to add another show under my belt, so that makes it bearable. :)
Well, I guess that's all. Mom's in the kitchen cooking for tonight's Thanksgiving dinner, Dad's finishing putting up the Christmas lights, and I'm about to do....something. I'm not sure yet. hehe I have to option of: reading, practicing my piano music, make some necklaces for Christmas gifts, take a nap, help Mom in the kitchen, clean my room, organize the bathroom, the list goes on. I think I'll see what Mom wants me to do! Having a second opinion is always great. :)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you count your blessings one by one, and see what God has done! Oh, and don't eat TOO much, because as my Weight Watcher's teacher said, "Gobble Gobble makes you Wobble Wobble" LOL!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I'm having trouble containing my excitement.
Last Wednesday I sang my heart out at the Veteran's Day program. My first "big" solo gig! It was so much fun. The compliments I recieved from high ranking military officers and TVA employees absolutely touched my heart. And I thank Andrea Duncan so much for working with me, putting together a medley, and accompianing me. She is one of the kindest and godliest women I've ever met. I strive to be like that. But anyways, it was an amazing day, and I will definitely look back on that day as a milestone in my future career. :)
2nd good thing: Dad took me to Dollywood on Saturday! OHMYGOODNESSILOVEDOLLYWOODSOMUCH.
And it's the Christmas Season!
:D :D :D :D :D *happy dance*
Oh, and you wanna know a little secret? I'm going to audition in January to be a performer there! That is, I hope I will! You have to be 17 to work there, and you kinda have to not have school on a daily basis, but I'm not going to let that stand in my way!
So we'll see how that goes. hehe
That is all for now. School sucks(as usual), White Christmas opens next Friday(I'm working backstage, so I'll start going to rehearsals tomorrow), and All East is on Thursday!
I'm pretty excited about All East. I really want to see my Governor's School friends! I miss them dearly. They are my second family, remember? Anyways, that'll be great.
Oh, and four more weeks until Christmas Break! I know, as torturous as it's been, it's really flown by!
I'm feeling so much excitement and hope for the near future, it's going to be so great!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Back to the Future: The Weekend

Monday, October 18, 2010
Random post full of excitement and hopefullness :)
Friday: For one thing, I got to leave school early, which is a highlight in itself. But where I left to go to made it even better. I was on my way to a broadway workshop, with Sutton Foster!!! Oh my goodness she's amazing. And she is so down to earth, I felt like we could of been such good friends! To be honest I wasn't entirely impressed with anyone who sang for her, but I enjoyed learning from the critique she gave them. One of the big things I learned was that in a solo concert setting, you should keep your movements subtle and to a minimum, instead of in a show setting where you're expressive with movement. It was cool to see her apply the things she taught in the workshop in her concert that night. And then after the concert, my amazing parents bought me her CD! I got it signed and was able to talk to her for a few seconds, and get a picture with her. It was a great night :) Oh, and Friday night was the season 3 premiere for Sanctuary, which is one of my absolute favorite shows! I'm proud to be a scifi geek!
Saturday was eventful as well. We were invited to visit with my Mom's cousin James, and his wife Martha. Let me tell you, they live in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE! It was like were in the Witness Protection Society. Anyways, after we survived driving down their grassy driveway(which James said would test our religious faith. LOL!) we finally made it to their house. Their house is so cute. Margeret has a room that she uses for her hobby of weaving(I know, weaving!), and their house has a very old fashioned homey feel. They don't have a TV, so it was VERY quiet! Almost too quiet. But for the day, it was alright. Their vegetarians(so cool!), so we ate sandwiches made out of homemade bread that they made themselves, organic cheese, and lettuce. We also ate pickled vegetables(which I love!) and this homemade vegetable soup that Margeret made. Oh my goodness it was so great. After eating and talking, we went out for a hike on their property. They have ninety acres of beautiful forest, and they have a little hiking trail that they walk their dog on. It was beautiful. I couldn't stop taking pictures! The leaves were just beginning to change, so it was just..amazing. Though the trail was really steep, I survived!(thank you Zumba classes) After we survived hiking, and we all made it down the hill, we came inside and looked at old family pictures. James made coffee, but he and Mom got so engrossed in the pictures, we all forgot about it! It was alright though, looking at pictures was definitely better than coffee. Though when we finally remembered about the coffee, we all sat down and ate Margeret's sour cherry pie(which was the BEST fruit pie I've ever eaten, honest!) and drank the coffee. After much talking, the sun started to set, which signaled that it was time for us to head home. We went outside, said our goodbyes, and set off towards home. It was a really great visit overall :) For just meeting them, they are really cool! Who knew Mom had cousins? I guess I didn't, shame on me!
And then there was Sunday: My King's academy orientation. Best. Day. Ever. I met all of the High School teachers, I got to tour the school, and I got to eat lunch in the cafeteria before touring the dorms! It was great. And I got to meet the band and art teachers, and see Mrs. Thomas(which made my day) again. It's so nice to know that I can look foward to being with a choir teacher who I can share a mutual respect with, and who will be my mentor and friend. She said that she couldn't wait for me to be in her choir! Me! Mrs. Bowen really couldn't care less, if you ask me. Goodness if she ever saw my blog I would be dead. But you know what? I'm not afraid of her anymore. In 7(yes, Seven!!!) weeks, I'll be away from her from good. And I won't even turn back. OH MY GOODNESS I'M SO EXCITED!!! I didn't want to go home when the orientation was over. Oh, and guess what? I got a 7 out of 9 on my intelligence test(with 5 being the average score). :D There is a brain in my head! And a pretty smart one, too! Ahh it'll be so refreshing to be taught under teachers who will treat me as an equal and appreciate me for who I am, and not as just another student.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Thursday, we meet again....
I haven't learned a thing in chemistry, because she likes to rant about her lack of technology.
I've learned a lot in U.S History, but the teacher's too happy and overly animated personality scares me at times.
There's an average of 6-8 kids sleeping on a typical day. Those kids run around and play nerf football while climbing out of the windows when the teacher's not there.
We're FINALLY getting somewhere in choir, now that the teacher's figured out how lazy everyone's become and how much we suck.
So yeah, that's my typical school day. Sounds like fun, right?
Oh I just remembered I have something awesome to tell you!!
Guess what I did on Sunday?
Just guess!
I went to Madame Butterfly with Dad!!!
It was. Amazing. They brought in from Korea their Butterfly, and their Suzuki was from Japan. They were my favorites. The emotions potrayed on their faces could be seen and understood all the way up to the top row. And their voice. OH MY GOODNESS YOU SHOULD OF BEEN THERE THEY WERE INCREDIBLE! I strive to have a voice as trained as theirs one day. It was amazing. The only thing I wasn't impressed with was their Pinkerton. His voice wasn't as strong as the other tenors, and for an opera singer, his space was more Tennesseish than Italian. Though I have to hand it to him, his Italian was beautiful, so I guess that's why he wasn't as loud: it's not easy to spit out all of that Italian! But anyways, Madame Butterfly is a beautiful opera, and I'm so glad I got to go see it with my Dad! :)
Ok I gotta go. It's 7:00 and I better get ready or else I'll face the wrath of my mother, who does not get enough sleep(thanks to me and my brother hehe we're really pathetic)
But yeah, I gotta go! Hopefully I'll get better with posting.(one day!)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Goodbye, 15. Hello 16!
I'm very excited.
I felt like I needed to share a few thoughts regarding my reflections of the past year...
haha not! I just liked how that sounded.
Seriously though, I can't believe I'm going to be 16. Goodness my life has flown by so far! Though I'm so excited for what this new chapter in my life is going to bring. I hope:
I lose ten pounds. PLEASE?
To become a better singer, actress, and dancer.
Become closer to the friends that I need to be closer to me.
To get my driver's license! Or at least my permit!
To become a better student. Kind of.
I just hope that this year is as good as the last, if not better! I'm so thankful to have the friends that I have, the talents that I have, my family, I'm just thankful for EVERYTHING!
And I can't wait for my family birthday part tomorrow :D
So goodbye, 15. It's been fun. I'll never forget you. And hello 16! I hope we have a great ride this year, and that this year is very memorable!
See ya tomorrow, when I'm 16 years old!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
And I'm updating you on the last two weeks in between reading chemistry, and commercials. :)
Ok it's a commercial!
These last two weeks have been crazy. Two weeks ago I toured a private school about an hour away from where I live, and I absolutely fell in love with it. And the choir teacher. She was so...nice. Definitely what I was looking for in a mentor. And the school is beautiful, it's really old, and it has an amazing view of the mountians! Well, after much praying and lots of discussing, my family and I have decided that I will be transferring there next semester! This means no more:
Mrs. Bowen!!
imature peers.
Disguisting bathrooms, classrooms, and auditorium.
Feeling of not belonging.
Did I mention imature peers?
Anyways, I'm so excited. I feel like I'm going to be so much happier there :)
Sorry, I'm feeling ADD. Another commercial break!
Let me think...what else have I done? Oh! My super September Saturday!
Ever year my parents take me on vacation for my birthday, and that's what we call it!
This year we rented a cabin up in the Smokey Mountians. The name of the cabin was "Heavenly View", and it sure lived up to it's name! The view was breathtaking. And we had an air hockey table, and a hot tub, and rocking chairs on the porch! And that night, I cuddled up on the couch with my family and watched Back to the Future, and you could see the full moon through the top window! It was amazing. I wish we could of stayed there for more than just one night. The beds were so comfortable! And I got up at 7 am, just to watch the sunrise over the mountians. It made me smile so much. That morning Dad made sausage and eggs in our cabin kitchen, and we had a family meal in the cabin! Then we had to leave. Sadness.
After we left, we drove to the outskirts of Gatlinburg, where there was an entire community of artists! There were stores after stores of paintings, jewelry, and these GORGEOUS copper sculptures! I really wanted to get one, but they were so stinkin expensive. A beautiful carved rose was ten dollars. Oh well. Anyways, we looked around for about an hour and then went on our merry way. After getting back on the road, we drove up to the National Park. Even though we live so close to Great Smokey Mountians National Park, we've never been before! So this new view of the mountians was absolutely incredible and breathtaking at every turn. And I mean turn literally, the drive was steep! But we finally made it to Clingman's Dome, where we hiked to to top of the mountian to get to the lookout tower. The climb was...intense. I've never walked a path that steep. And because of the thin air, I kept running out of breath, and we had to stop a lot. But once we got to the top, it was so worth it. I can't even describe the view to you. Let me just say, God is very creative. I've never known a better artist! After taking tons of pictures(to prove we made it to the top!) we headed back to the car, and drove for the Chimney's. We parked at this picnic spot Mom had been to before, and found a creek that was just telling us to play in it! I took off my shoes, Andrew put on his bathing suit, and Dad....he just jumped right in! After slipping a couple of times, taking a huge leap over some rapids, and discovering some cute crawfish, we were exausted!(and I was sore!) We were ready to go home. We said goodbye to the park, headed back to Pigeon Forge, stopped at Popeye's and Sonic for dinner(of course.) and made it home in time to study chemistry.(not by choice of course) It was an amazing weekend :)
Glee's offically been over for 45 minutes, and now I'm watching the results show on Dancing with the Stars.
Oh and another thing: Guess who's going to be 16 this Friday? Me! I'm pretty excited :) Though I really like being fifteen. Am I too young to say that I don't like getting older? I'm perfectly content being a youthful teenager who acts like an adult, can't I stay like this? Though to be honest, I say this every year. And I'll probably love being 16 as much as I LOVED being 15. *sigh* What am I going to say when I'm twenty? Thirty? FOURTY? AGH Life is going by so fast, I feel so old! haha
I better go, Mom's going to bang on my door at any moment and yell at for me for locking it. But hey, if I didn't lock it, I'd never have a chance to post!
Oh and another thing? It's going to be in the nineties on my birthday, I'm so excited! I've never had a summer birthday before. Thanks Mom, for having my birthday TWO days after the last day of summer! haha :)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Wow. I'm pathetic with entries :/

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Somebody hasn't been posting in a while. hehe Oops.
School has started. UGH. Though it's not too bad. Here's my schedule:
Chemistry. My teacher is crazy, and I haven't learned anything. She's alright as a person though.
U.S History. My teacher is pretty great. She loves "big letters and pretty colors" Yay!
Lunch with Mrs. Hall. Highlight of my day.
Algebra II. The teacher is actually making me enjoy that class. A little. haha Big accomplishement.
Choir. UGH. Don't get me started. I am grateful to have a class where I don't do anythign though..
My grandfather past away...
He was 97. You know, I think he's happier in heaven, where he doesn't have constant doctors appointments, and medicine to take, and he can be with my Grandmother and all of his family up there. So yes, I am very sad, but I think our loss will bring my family closer.
I started tap class again. No ballet though.
I've had a ton of homework. Oh joy.
Once again, I'm terrible at posting and writing on my blog. This is two weeks later, so I just thought I'd end it here. hehe Sorry :P
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Why have I invested three years of friendship into a friend that's just going to forget about me when I'm gone?
Bull. Sure I've never been in that situation before, but you can have best friends besides your Mom, they're in a totally different species of best friend! Maybe I'm being selfish, but why is everything that I do for her not returned? That's not exactly the best way of wording it, but that's kind of a general way of saying it. Why do I feel that the friendship is one sided? I mean, I constantly have to make an effort to get something out of her, and the more I look back, the more I realize that it's ME that's pushing through the hallway to get her attention so that I can stop and say something, never HER. You know what I mean?
I feel like she's played the game of best friend, just going along with it, but I'm having so much trouble believing her. She's never told me that I'm her best friend, so does that mean that she really doesn't care about me as much as I do her? I think of her as a stinkin' sister, I've always seen her as a sister I never had. And yet I feel like it's not returned.
Let me just say that I can so relate to Mr. Cellophane.
She talks to everyone else so easily, but why not me? I just feel like I'm this annoying fly that has buzzed around her for the past three years, and she's been trying to gently spray bug poison on me, but I just haven't seen it because I was too busy buzzing.
I really don't think she'll miss me when I'm gone. She'll just move, keep in contact with Abbie, and Preston, and James, and Mary(and Hannah), and maybe Ryan. But me? Nah. I'm not worth the effort. I'm not popular like everyone else. Sure, they like me, but they probably wouldn't want to be in a room alone with me.
It makes me sad. I wanted to finish high school with her. I've always wanted that "partner in crime". You know, the one you can always count on? The one that you share a lifetime of memories with? But I guess I've been fooled. How silly of me.
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe...I'm just making this all up and my tendency to over analyze everything is getting the better of me? Maybe my low self esteem is getting to me.
Never mind. I don't have low self esteem.
I just wish I could get a sign from her that I'm NOT making this up.
But somehow I have the feeling that I'm not going to get it.
Oh well. "I guess I'll move on, find other friends just as good, and forget about it"
I hope I'm not just imagining this. I hope I'm not trusting our friendship enough at the time because of our lack our contact since Governor's School.
I hope I'm wrong.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Long week, good week, frustrating week, second to last week.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Whoo Summer. So what? Governor's School is over :*(
But anyways, whether I like or not, I'm home. And I've had a busy few weeks.
Two weeks ago: Cousins yearly visit! They're so different from me. Not in a bad way of course! They're just not insanely artsy like me. But not everyone is, so that's OK. AND they LOVE/play soccer. Which I do not. At all. If anything, I don't like soccer. But we're cousins, so it's all good :) The two highlights of their visit: Our yearly trip to see Grandpa! He's 97, and has a lot of health problems, so we only get to see him once a year :( I hate that, because I feel like I could form a really close relationship with him if I saw him more. And when I write him, my aunt is always the one who writes back. So I rarely get to really have a conversation with him. UGH! But I still love him :) Our visit this year went really well, we went to his apartment, talked for a little while, then went to Golden Corral to get the senior discount and eat all the food we wanted. We ate, went back to his apartment, and left. Same as we do every year. But it was fun! And I(reluctantly) sang in front of everyone.
I'm weird. I have a thing about singing in front of family. Not if they're in the audience or anything, just when it's only them Don't ask me why, I know it's weird..
Overall it was a great visit :)
Now for my second highlight of the cousin's visit: Gun shooting!
Ok, technically Abbie and Amy rode horses, while I shot guns with the men. I don't ride horses, I don't know why, so I don't know. Back to the guns. That was the first time I shot a gun. It's important to know how to shoot a gun, so that you're not clueless if you're in some sort of trouble and you have to use one. To put it in a nutshell I killed a lot of leaves!! The leaves weren't the target BTW. Basically I sucked at aiming. But I can pull the trigger! Guns are loud. I don't know where I'm going with this, but it was a fun morning.
And last week was my big Lousianna trip! I love Louisianna :)
Here's what I did(sorry if my vocabulary is slowly shrinking, I'm very sleepy.)
Tuesday: Fishing day! We fished out in the bayous from 6 am until 2 pm! We almost died from the heat. Andrew and Uncle Matt are such intense fishers that you have to beg them(mostly Uncle Matt, even Andrew fades after noon) to leave! But it was a ton of fun. And I caught a fish! haha
Wednesday: Plantation day! We went to Oak Alley Plantation and Laura Plantation on River Road between Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Just in case you ever want to go :) It was amazing! They were simply beautiful. Oak Alley is gorgeous. They have 28 300 year old Live Oak trees, which are lined up along this walkway leading to the plantation. It's incredible.
Thursday: We left and drove to New Orleans that night. I love New Orleans, I love the history and culture. We at beignets at Cafe Du Mone, and walked around for about an hour before we left.
Friday: We woke up in Gulf Shores Alabama, and walked on the beach! I swam in the beach even though they advised for us not to get in the water. Though, there was no oil on the beach at all! Go figure. Overall we had a great time :)
Saturday: Home!
And now it's Tuesday, and tomorrow I'm going to this big leadership conference thingy with the family. Busy day!
Though I'd rather be singing and learning in class at Governor's School. I needed that kind of enviroment! I need the encouragement and the feeling of mutual understanding I got there! I have none of that at home....
But I can't let that keep me depressed!(even though it still is, and probably will for a long time.) So tomorrow will be fun, and hopefully I won't regret not going to be early!(since I have to be up at 4 am, Lovely.)
Friday, July 2, 2010
Why is it that when you finally find your happy place, it gets taken away from you?
We're all packing up, we've said our goodbyes, and we're about to go our seperate directions.

I've never felt so close to so many people in my life.
And never has the feeling been returned.
I'm going to miss them so much.
But as my Dad has been(constantly) reminding me, "all good things must come to an end, and you'll have more opportunities in the future".
Haha. Sounds like something a parent would say, doesn't it?
I'm feeling really distracted.
Thank you facebook. And packing. And my longing to stay here for years and years and years.
I think I'm going to sign off, but I want to devote an entire entry to how amazing and simply magical my opera night was. It was one of those nights that goes down in the Never Forget Best Time of You Life book.
Next time I write I will be home.
I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I guess we'll see when I get home, won't we?
Got to go, parents just showed up.
I'm going to miss it here so much!!!!
I really have to go now.
Goodby Governor's School, thank you for....everything.
Monday, June 28, 2010
I'm going to cry tomorrow night.
I'm sad.
I'm going to miss:
The teachers
My friends
My dorm
My roommate
The classes
The overall atmosphere
Walking everywhere I go
Always singing
Getting to focus on my passion.
Yeah. I'm getting pretty depressed now.
It's gone by so stinkin' fast!
But alas, it is going to end.
My friends will go their separate places.
My teachers will be relieved to see us go.
MTSU will cheer for the absence of high school kids.
Yep, we'll be gone like that.
Or maybe not.
Maybe my friends will stay connected for many years.
My teachers will miss us.
MTSU will miss the laughter and constant joy of kids doing what they love most.
And we'll always remember this experience.
But that hasn't happened.
Snap out of it Katie Jo, you're not leaving until Friday!
And I'm not leaving without making my mark!
I want people to remember me as the girl with a dream.
I want.....people to love and respect me.
I want adults to understand me!
I want my teachers to understand my raw passion for singing.
I want my friends to love me for the crazy, over bubbly person I am!
I hope they do. I hope they will.
Once again, I need to snap out of it!
I have an opera to perform tomorrow night!
An opera that I've poored my heart into.
Why don't people have the same kind of drive and passion that I do?
They just don't understand.
And I wish my teachers would understand that I'm not trying to be a suckup of teacher's pet, I just long for them to take me under their wing and guide and teach me! I wish they would understand.(or at least tell me they did)
It's frustrating.
And it's frustrating that saying all of this makes people think that I'm a diva, or a drama queen.
I think so.
So now you understand me.
And tomorrow night, I'm going to show the entire Governor's School student body how I really feel....
through high g's and Bb's!
I'm excited.
I just hope everything goes well!
I really want to do well.
I want everyone else to do well also!
I'm not that selfish.
Now I know I'm rambling.
I tend to do that because I try to pour out my feelings about singing to my friends, and they just tell me to shut up.
You can't tell me to shut up! :D
Ok you can. I just won't listen. ;)
Here's what my *sniff* last week at Governor's School looks like:
Opera Finale tomorrow night, a ton of rehearsal's for Beethoven's Choral Fantasy(which we perform on Thursday) and than home.
Yeah, not much.
So now I'm back to the beginning of this huge circle I started.
I'm really sad.
Gotta love how that happens, right?
I better get off now, it's 11:30, and if I write any later I might try to figure out the answer of the meaning of life.(which is God of course, but I think you know what I mean. I get really deep and philosophical at night.)
Oh, before I go I have one more thing to tell you!
Tonight after the piano recital we had to go to(meh) all of the choir kids went to the jazz room and watched a movie. On kid popped popcorn, we all brought blankets and pillows, and watched the Prestige. It was one of those little moments that I treasure the most.
Just thought I'd share that :)
Goodnight! :)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
First Week of Governor's School Down: Three to go!
- Making a ton of friends
- Making one person dislike me.(do I care? No.)
- Having the amazing opportunity to sing with Take 6! They made up a melody, had an audience member choose the lyrics, and than arranged it into 6 parts! Me and two other girls got to go up and sing one of the parts. We each got to sing our part by ourself with the other parts. Getting to work with their main arranger was amazing! I'll never forget it :)
- Having the Bass singer of Take 6 tell me that I should be an opera singer. I was kind of shocked when he said that my voice was the most memorable out of the three girls(no lie!) And he asked me if I planned to be an opera singer. I said yes of course! My brain was ringing with the sounds of No way! And ahhhhhh!! It was cool. LOL
- My first private voice lesson. Mrs. Fisher was so sweet and gave me so many pointers that I can apply to any song I sing. She's also going to give me three songs I can learn and use for other auditions. So I'm excited. I wish I could take from her, I feel that I could progress tremendously under her teaching! But I'm pretty happy with just having a thirty minute lesson. :)
- OPERA WORKSHOPS: The one thing that made me want to audition for Governor's School. It's so much fun!!!! Our teacher, Mrs. Williams, arranged five operas into one big amazing show! And I must say it's pretty awesome. It's definitely my favorite class. And Mrs. Williams is definitely my favorite teacher!
- The cafeteria salad bar. They have mushrooms, cauliflower, and olive oil! Maybe this means that Weight Watchers won't disown me when I come back!
- My ten minute walks to wherever I'm going. I've probably walked more this week than I did during the school year! I kind of like it actually. Though I do miss sitting in a car, not having to move while traveling, but still listening to the radio and having air conditioning!
So that's pretty much it I guess. Tonight I have a Pops concert to go to(we've had a concert to go to every night, I love it!) And I have reahearsal for our opera project that's due tomorrow. We have to make up choreography according to our interpretation of two classical pieces she chose for each group. Best project. Ever.
And I think I've finally figured out why my internet hasn't been working! I'm like the only person in my dorm right now, which means no one's on the internet! I shall remember that next time. LOL
Well, I think I'm going to get off now! I'm having such a great time, and I know that this week is going to be as good, or even better than the last! :)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
I have internet! For five minutes at least.
Not only that, I'm loving it!
I don't think I'm going to want it to end.
I even love staying in a dorm!
Not as much clutter, if it's even possible to have clutter with a desk, a bed, and a closet(only)
Bare minimums I tell ya'
Anyways, I have to get up at 6(it's school you know) so I think I'm going to bed.
BTW, I'm in an opera, I have a concert(already!) this Friday, AND I'm literally singing from 8 to 5, which is ahmazing.
I love it here. :)
And I'm making friends too!
The good thing is there aren't too many divas
Though I may become one if I don't get moved up to soprano 1...
But I would never say it outloud. ;)
But besides that minor annoyance, I'm pretty happy.
Oh, you want to know something funny? My dorm is the only dorm that has terrible internet connection!
Are you surprised?
Anyways, I literally get connection for maybe, a minute or so? That's why I'm tapping at the speed of sound.
And the air conditioning is bipolar.
And right now it's hot.
I just can't win!
Trust me, it's not that bad.
I think I'm going to bed now.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Guest what today is?
I'm pretty pumped.
Though a little nervous.
I'm going to be on my own!
Kicked out!
Out of the nest!
You get the point.
But I think I'll be find.
I get to sing every day!
I get to be around people that understand me!
And I get to go with my best friend!
So yeah, I'm pretty excited.
Though I do have an audition tonight.
Here's the lyrics(and a way to practice silently to make sure I actually know this song.
Come again Sweet Love doth now invite thy graces that refrain to do me do delight
to see to hear to touch to kiss to dieeee
with thee again in sweetest sympathy
to see to hear to touch to kiss to dieeeee
with thee again in sweetest sympathy
Come again that I may cease to mourn through thy unkind disdain for now left and forlorn
(let me do that again. I hate this verse)
Come again that I may cease to mourn through thy unkind disdain for now left and forlorn
I sit I sigh I weep I faint I dieeee
In deadly pain and endless misery
I sit I sigh I weep I fain I dieeee
In deadly pain and endless misery.
Eh. I'll do OK.
If I can just remember the stupid words.
OK I gotta go now! I really need to go back to getting ready
Or else Mom will have a spaz attack.
Bon Voyage!! Whoot Whoot! :D :D
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Going to bed. Good morning! LOL

I like this kind of leisure!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Dance Recital: Done!
Too bad the crowd was pretty dead.
But I had such a great time! Even though I was only in one dance, getting to see the backstage life during a dance performence was interesting. It's different from theatre and singing performences. So many costume changes!
But anyways, it was fun. And I hope to dance again! Let me tell you, a year ago I would of laughed at the person that told me I was going to be in a dance recital that next year.
Oh, and to go on another subject randomly, I'm never eating chocolate chip pancakes. iHop has scarred me for life. Blech. But hanging out with friends is always great :) And I got to eat Elizabeth's broccoli, so it's all good ;) (broccoli and pancakes? Don't. Ask. LOL)
Time for bed, church in the morning! eight. UGH. But it'll be alright. And supposedly we're going out of town for two days, so I'm good. Even though I'm going to be missing a great cookout. But whatever...
Oh, and let me take this moment to emphasize my immense love for summer break. IMMENSE LOVE. ahhh....:)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Last full day of school: Finished!
And here's what I have to look foward to:
Last weekend of Music Man-bittersweet, but it's been a great run. :)
Summer break-YES!!
Dance Recital-little nervous about tap routine, but I know I'll fun. I've never worn so much sequins!
Governor's School-only two weeks away! :D
Thursday, May 13, 2010
It's the final countdown!
And now it's Saturday, and we've completed three more shows! It's been great. The show keeps getting better, and I'm loving every second! These are the moments that I treasure forever :) And tomorrow will also be fun! But now I am going to bed. And what will I be dreaming of? How I'm going to remodel my room this summer, my plans this summer, and how great Governor's School is going to be! Or maybe I'll just go to bed. haha :)
Goodnight! Sleeptight! And many dreams to you. Here's a kiss, and prayer, that all your dreams come true. And now, until, we meet again....audios, auivore, al vidase.....Goodnight!
That's from the Lawrence Welk Show, just in case you didn't know. ;) I'm so not a child of this generation.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
1 down, 11 to go!
Friday, May 7, 2010
It's Opening Night......It's OPENING NIGHT!!!
Well, I've got to go get ready, I'm so excited! Performing on stage never gets old. d
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Saturday. The best day of the week. Period.
Friday: STATE. Let me just say that it went by really fast. I mean, we got there, we warmed up, we sang, and we got back on the bus. Yeah, that fast. But to cut to the chase, we won! I'm still can't believe it. I really didn't think we'd get superior. But we did, and everyone was happy. After competition, we spent three hours at the mall. I don't think I've even had so much fast food in one day in my life. Marble Slab, Taco Bell, and free Starbuck's(Kennedy's Dad owned the Starbucks in the mall, so yay!)
Sad how I don't have time to finish posts anymore. I'm going to abruptly wrap this up, since I'm posting it a week here you go! :) hehe sorry.....
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Choir concert tonight! Should I be worried? Yes. Am I? For the most part, YES.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Is school over yet?
Friday: Ensemble dress rehearsal and First session of Vocal Workshop. Rehearsal went well, but I was still nervous about a few little things, but nothing drastic. And the vocal workshop was.....interesting. Definitely not what I expected! It was basically a yoga session that you use to warm up your body for singing, and speaking. I didn't see it. But I went along with it, because everyone was into it, so I figured that it would be a good experience. I was right. It was definitely different, but I enjoyed it. The only downside was that I didn't get home until 10:00. And I was sleepy.
Saturday: Second vocal session and ensemble concert: Second vocal session at nine-five, and straight to concert. The session went well, it just felt long. Though I did learn a lot of cool techniques, and I got a good workout! And then it was time for the concert. I had to be there early to go over some pieces with my teacher. Seeing that I was having trouble with a few spots made me nervous. But it was time for the concert, and I got through it! And it went really well! I feel very satisfied with my performances, especially that I was able to change from violin to saxophone accordingly. That was pretty funny. All in all it was great. :)
Sunday: Piano recital. The one performance that I get nervous and dread out of all of my performances. I went over my piece a million times that morning, until I finally got it! So I was like, OK, it's all good, just don't get nervous. And what do I do? I get up to the piano, and have a seizure in my hands. That is, that's what it looked like. Try playing piano like that! Of course I messed up, which made my nerves worse. BUT I did get the section I was having constant trouble with correct. Of course. But the point it, I got through it, and it's over, and I'm on to other things. Yay. :) And I got to end the day with rehearsal, which was great!
And this week I have my choir concert. Well, now it's more like tomorrow I have my concert, and Friday I have State! And Mrs. Bowen flew off the handle, and did her whole "it's the last straw you will be punished" spill that she goes on about once every two weeks. Except this time she's really pushed it. She's not going to let us practice for our concert, or State anymore. If we mess up, it's our problem, not hers. Smart. Little does she realize that the parents will see Mrs. Bowen as the authority figure, and a bad performance by us puts a bad rep on her. But we can't say that. Because she will interrupt
Ah!!! Sorry. I'm just annoyed because I didn't get to finish this blog. It's now 10:00, I'm home from rehearsal, and I finally have a moment of peace! It's kind of hard to write a blog when you have your brother looming over your shoulder. Anyways, tomorrow night is our concert, and to be that my frustration has settled a bit, I think I'm just going to take it moment by moment and hope for the best. And I always have rehearsal to look forward to! Well, except for tomorrow, all I have to look forward to tomorrow is Mr. Bradley being a jerk(once again). And I have to tell him that I won't be in class Friday because of state. You know what he'll do? He'll look at me like I'm an idiot and grill me on the fact that I didn't tell him sooner. And I'll lose. Again. And I have Mr. Garlington and the massive paper to look forward to. Fun. AND Mrs. Bowen. AND reviewing for my test on physics. And all I can say is, "Can I stay home tomorrow" Nope. *sigh*
Guess I better go do homework. I'm saddened at the thought that I probably won't get to write in my blog until next Wednesday. Which means that next time I write this blog:
- The concert will be over
- we will have gone to state
- tech week will be halfway through
etc. etc etc....
Gotta go. Mom's home. UGH. 'night! :)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Wednesday, hump day, get this week over with day!!
Seeing as my grades are slowly spiraling downward, and I'm just trying to pass my classes, my Mom took my laptop away "indefinitely". Thanks Mom. So I'm sneaking around on the other three computers in the house, which is not easy when your family always knows where you are. It's even harder to blog, when you do NOT want your family to see what you're writing! So to my dismay, my blog entries will be few until the end of the school year. Sadness.
Though it's probably a good thing, seeing as my schedule is almost borderline ridiculous at the moment. Here's what's coming up in the(very near) future:
Ensemble Concert: This Saturday. I will be playing violin and saxophone, and will be singing Susan Boyle's version of "I dreamed a dream". This will be good.
Piano Recital: Next day. Who knew it was this soon? Now I'm frantically practicing every chance I get, because I'm not prepared. Yet.
Spring Choir Concert: Next Thursday. We'll do fine, as always. I'll have fun, as always. I'll just be miserable in choir everyday leading up to it, because everyone will be cranky, and Mrs. Bowen likes to take her frustration out on me. Who knew I was such an easy target? Not me apparently.
State Choir Competition: Next Friday. As in, the day after the concert! It doesn't help that we have to be ready to leave at seven a.m. And we're not ready, because we've been using all of our energy on the concert. Personally I think State is just as important, but that's just a sophmore's opinion, so it doesn't matter. hah.
Music Man: May 7. Is it really that close?! I feel like we just started! This is probably the one activity I'm enjoying the most. Even though I have rehearsal every night, I immensely enjoy it. I particulary enjoy this show because it is the first show that I dance more than I sing! And boy do I dance. It's going to be amazing, I can guarantee it.
Government Test: May 1. I think. I don't know. I'm DREADING it. I'd rather jump out of the window than take this test. Why oh why did I sign up for AP? Oh wait, I didn't. Mr. Bradley signed me up for it. He keeps telling me that I'm doing alright, but it's all a lie! I'm drowing, drowing I tell you! I hate that class. Now, there are times when the class is alright, but I was not, and am still not ready for college courses! But I have to do it. I have no choice. I've already signed the paperwork, and filled in all the bubbles! Maybe I'll faint. Will fainting get me out of the 4 FRQ's that I have to do in 100 minutes?(That's write four papers in response to four questions in 100 minutes BTW.) I can't faint anyway, I've never been good at it. Maybe I'll just walk out of the classroom. No. I'm not that brave. I wish I was! But I would feel bad about it anyway. My Mom didn't pay 86 dollars for me to fail, did she? Though she and I both know that the prospect of me getting those 3 hours of college credit are very low. I can talk and talk all that I want, but it's not going to change the fact that I still have to take the test. So I'll go fourth *raises sword* and conquer! *drops heavy sword and falls into ravine* See how I feel?
Tap recital: Week after school's out. I'm pretty excited about this. My first dance recital! And I'm tapping! I've always wanted to tap. This will be fun. I just need to get to class more often. *sigh* Why do my activities have to overlap?
Governor's School: June 3rd! Ahh I'm so excited! It's going to be great. Though I have to get over these mountians before I can get to this victory lap. It'll all be worth it in the end :)
So that's what is in my near future. Whoot. Though what's even closer is my physical science test tomorrow.....which I better go study for. Which means I better go. Now. Bye!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Nice weekend, now back to school.
Sunday was alright. I enjoyed singing the choir special "I Am", though coughing every two measures was fun. But I love the song, so it was alright. After we made it home, everyone...took naps. After church naps are the best. But then we had to wake up, and it was time to work on my project and homework. Fun. But everything's finished! And I can't wait to present my project today! Ok maybe I'm a little nervous, but how bad can it be? The majority of it is my video, and then I'll just conclude with a few words. No problem! Except for the fact that I'm a terrible speaker. Kind of strange coming from a singer, right? LOL I'll just get there and see how it goes :)
And today is going to be majorly busy, I have music lessons, tap class, and rehearsal tonight! Yeah, I guess I'm too busy, but that feeling of accomplishment in the end will be awesome! Bye now, off to school!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Yayayayayayayay Saturday!
Last night was ahmazing. At Music Man rehearsal, we ran through the entire show. It was rough, but now everyone has an idea of the order of the show, where they need to be when, and the overall flow of the show. I love runthroughs! Why does everyone get so stressed? I guess I don't get stressed because I have way too many other things to be stressed about! Anyways, any day I get to be with my theatre friends is a good day. Especially when they're willing to deal with my picture taking fetish! :)
And this morning I'm about to leave to TVA to work on my energy project. We had to choose a source of energy and tell why it's the best type of energy. I chose coal. Don't worry, I'll convince even you that coal is the most conveniant and best source!
Well, I'm off!
Friday, April 16, 2010
ahhh Friday. I am a happy person!
I'll feel so much better in five weeks, when school is over. Why does it feel like it will never end? Because it is draggging! It feels like every day goes by sooo. Slowly.
But having friends and supporting you helps. Especially when you're not in your right mind. LOL
Music Man rehearsal tonight! I'm so excited, we've accomplished so much in the past two weeks. It's going to be amazing. :)
Now I'm off to school!;)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Weekends almost over. Bummer.

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Whooooh It's the Weekend :)
- Elizabeth's birthday: That's a happy thing, she's going to be 17!
- It is the weekend.: That's always a good thing.
- I'm getting a haircut in half an hour. Wait. Half an hour! I better go!
Goodness I'm going to be late. LOL
Thursday, April 8, 2010
If I have to hear the word bureaucracy again I think I'll scream. Happy Thursday!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Good day
Goodnight everyone :)
Monday, April 5, 2010
My entry for Disney D23 contest entry:

Ugh....Mondays...back to reality.

Friday, April 2, 2010
Sleepover! What a great way to start a long weekend :)

- So about two hours ago I got home from a great sleepover with my best friend Elizabeth. It was great. Don't you love it when you have a friend who you can just chill and do nothing, without constant conversation? It's nice. Here's a few things we did:
How to Train Your Dragon: Elizabeth said that I absolutely HAD to see it, so we got there before the movie theatre opened right after school. When they finally opened, we got our tickets, our popcorn and drinks(absolute neccesity when at a movie) and got our seats! The movie was amazing. To be honest I was expecting it to be good, but not THAT good. It was so much deeper than I thought, an instant plus to any movie for me. By the end of the movie, we'd devoured the popcorn, Elizabeth was crying, and we both really had to go to the bathroom. Hey, that's what you get for drinking 44 oz. of soda!
- Rehearsal: Yay for rehearsals! We blocked about half of Seventy Six trombones, and I'm in a dance break! So exciting. We also blocked the Columbia, Jewel of the Ocean scene, which I get to be a Watonee dancer. I'm glad to have another big ensemble opportunity, but the dance is just a little bit awkward. And then I have to catch Mrs. Shinn! Goodness. Who's brilliant idea was that? Oh well, there's no doubt in my mind it will come together. We also reviewed Trouble and Iowa Stubborn. Those songs make me smile. "You can have your fill of all the food you bring yourself!" LOL
- Sleepover time!: We were both. Exhausted. We watched youtube videos for a while, then we were like: "what do you want to do." "I don't know, what do you want to do?" yeah. But that was Ok, it isn't neccesary to constantly be doing something. Especially in our case. So we got on the couch, covered up in a mountian of fluffy blankets, and talked. Then we both passed out. It was obvious how tired we were, because we dropped at 12:30 and didn't
wake up until 11:45! Funny how the first good night's sleep I had in a while was at a sleepover. After we both woke up, we talked. And talked. And talked! Long conversations about anything and everything and anything are great. Especially when you learn things about each other that you didn't know before. Who knew Elizabeth like writing technical papers wheras I like writing creative papers? Go figure. We kept talking until the dogs and cats attacked us, then we cuddled up to the fat cat and listened to Sunday in the Park With George and Music Man. I officially love Sunday in the Park in George. The music is amazing, and I want to get the CD. Too bad I forgot to get it off Elizabeth's itunes. Fail. Oh well. Anyways, when we realized that we were actually hungry, we made a McDonalds run for lunch. In our pajamas. At least I was in my pajamas. LOL Funny how you can see random people at fast food establishments. Like Mr. Bradley. How random. Good thing he didn't see us, I would of been slightly embarrassed if he saw me in my Minnie Mouse tee shirt and blue floral flannels. Oh well. It was a gorgeous day, and we drove back to her house with the windows down and music (slightly) blaring. Then we chowed down, chilled, and then my Mom came. And now I'm here. I hope we get to have another sleepover soon, it was so much fun :)
Now I think I'm going to keep chilling and maybe watch Sherlock Holmes. I love that movie. I still can't believe I missed the opportunity to chat live with Robert Downey Jr. while watching the movie because I don't have the DVD or the blu ray player! UGH. Oh well, I shall crawl into bed with my sovenier popcorn bucket(filled with popcorn. duh.) and my sovenier Cirque Du Soleil filled with lots of water(water is good for you ya know) and watch the movie on my laptop. I sort of wish I was going to see Joseph with my friends tonight, but I think I'd rather veg and do nothing. Sometimes that's the better option if you ask me. It's been a great start to my weekend, especially since today we get to celebrate the fact the Jesus died on the cross for us. Which most people probably don't think about. It's just another day for sales and no school. Gotta love this generation. *sigh*But to end this entry on a good note here's what I'm looking foward too in the near future:
- Governor's School: I'm sooooo pumped. Can you hurry up, please?
- Music Man rehearsals: They're so much fun. It's going to be such a great show.
- School ending!: Only seven weeks left! I hope I survive.
- All State!: It's going to be so much fun. I just hope that they got our acceptence letter and gave us a slot in the competition. *crossing fingers*
- First trip to Dollwood of the season!: Dollywood opened last weekend, and I can't wait to visit my "second home" as I call it. When you've been a seasonpass holder since the age of two, and when half of the employees know your family just from visiting the park, it really does feel like home :)
- Worship on Sunday!: Our songs are amazing. When you get to sing a song that the lyrics are "I can see Jesus, high and exalted, he is seated on his throne, and the train fills the temple. And all of the angels cry Holy, all the saints cry Holy, all creation cries Holy, Holy is the lame! All praise! Unto the lamb, who sits on the throne, honor and power dominion and praise! Unto the lamb, who was and is, and is to come!" I'm so excited.
- Watching Sherlock Holmes. Whooh! Yay for movies. And I think I'll stop typing and set up the movie on my laptop now. Happy Good Friday everyone!
hehe. Gotta love Sherlock Holmes.