- So about two hours ago I got home from a great sleepover with my best friend Elizabeth. It was great. Don't you love it when you have a friend who you can just chill and do nothing, without constant conversation? It's nice. Here's a few things we did:
How to Train Your Dragon: Elizabeth said that I absolutely HAD to see it, so we got there before the movie theatre opened right after school. When they finally opened, we got our tickets, our popcorn and drinks(absolute neccesity when at a movie) and got our seats! The movie was amazing. To be honest I was expecting it to be good, but not THAT good. It was so much deeper than I thought, an instant plus to any movie for me. By the end of the movie, we'd devoured the popcorn, Elizabeth was crying, and we both really had to go to the bathroom. Hey, that's what you get for drinking 44 oz. of soda!
- Rehearsal: Yay for rehearsals! We blocked about half of Seventy Six trombones, and I'm in a dance break! So exciting. We also blocked the Columbia, Jewel of the Ocean scene, which I get to be a Watonee dancer. I'm glad to have another big ensemble opportunity, but the dance is just a little bit awkward. And then I have to catch Mrs. Shinn! Goodness. Who's brilliant idea was that? Oh well, there's no doubt in my mind it will come together. We also reviewed Trouble and Iowa Stubborn. Those songs make me smile. "You can have your fill of all the food you bring yourself!" LOL
- Sleepover time!: We were both. Exhausted. We watched youtube videos for a while, then we were like: "what do you want to do." "I don't know, what do you want to do?" yeah. But that was Ok, it isn't neccesary to constantly be doing something. Especially in our case. So we got on the couch, covered up in a mountian of fluffy blankets, and talked. Then we both passed out. It was obvious how tired we were, because we dropped at 12:30 and didn't
wake up until 11:45! Funny how the first good night's sleep I had in a while was at a sleepover. After we both woke up, we talked. And talked. And talked! Long conversations about anything and everything and anything are great. Especially when you learn things about each other that you didn't know before. Who knew Elizabeth like writing technical papers wheras I like writing creative papers? Go figure. We kept talking until the dogs and cats attacked us, then we cuddled up to the fat cat and listened to Sunday in the Park With George and Music Man. I officially love Sunday in the Park in George. The music is amazing, and I want to get the CD. Too bad I forgot to get it off Elizabeth's itunes. Fail. Oh well. Anyways, when we realized that we were actually hungry, we made a McDonalds run for lunch. In our pajamas. At least I was in my pajamas. LOL Funny how you can see random people at fast food establishments. Like Mr. Bradley. How random. Good thing he didn't see us, I would of been slightly embarrassed if he saw me in my Minnie Mouse tee shirt and blue floral flannels. Oh well. It was a gorgeous day, and we drove back to her house with the windows down and music (slightly) blaring. Then we chowed down, chilled, and then my Mom came. And now I'm here. I hope we get to have another sleepover soon, it was so much fun :)
Now I think I'm going to keep chilling and maybe watch Sherlock Holmes. I love that movie. I still can't believe I missed the opportunity to chat live with Robert Downey Jr. while watching the movie because I don't have the DVD or the blu ray player! UGH. Oh well, I shall crawl into bed with my sovenier popcorn bucket(filled with popcorn. duh.) and my sovenier Cirque Du Soleil filled with lots of water(water is good for you ya know) and watch the movie on my laptop. I sort of wish I was going to see Joseph with my friends tonight, but I think I'd rather veg and do nothing. Sometimes that's the better option if you ask me. It's been a great start to my weekend, especially since today we get to celebrate the fact the Jesus died on the cross for us. Which most people probably don't think about. It's just another day for sales and no school. Gotta love this generation. *sigh*But to end this entry on a good note here's what I'm looking foward too in the near future:
- Governor's School: I'm sooooo pumped. Can you hurry up, please?
- Music Man rehearsals: They're so much fun. It's going to be such a great show.
- School ending!: Only seven weeks left! I hope I survive.
- All State!: It's going to be so much fun. I just hope that they got our acceptence letter and gave us a slot in the competition. *crossing fingers*
- First trip to Dollwood of the season!: Dollywood opened last weekend, and I can't wait to visit my "second home" as I call it. When you've been a seasonpass holder since the age of two, and when half of the employees know your family just from visiting the park, it really does feel like home :)
- Worship on Sunday!: Our songs are amazing. When you get to sing a song that the lyrics are "I can see Jesus, high and exalted, he is seated on his throne, and the train fills the temple. And all of the angels cry Holy, all the saints cry Holy, all creation cries Holy, Holy is the lame! All praise! Unto the lamb, who sits on the throne, honor and power dominion and praise! Unto the lamb, who was and is, and is to come!" I'm so excited.
- Watching Sherlock Holmes. Whooh! Yay for movies. And I think I'll stop typing and set up the movie on my laptop now. Happy Good Friday everyone!
hehe. Gotta love Sherlock Holmes.
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