Pretty much nothing.
Friday I did NOTHING.(except for staring at the television for an hour during Sanctuary, which I really enjoyed] Amanda Tapping is my FAVORITE!)
Saturday was a movie day.
I woke up with My Girl
Ate lunch with Ever After
And spent the rest of the day(3:30-11:00) watching the Back to the Future trilogy.
I don't think I've ever had this much time on my hands(and this will probably never happen again BTW)
Michael J. Fox I love you!!!! You're a cutie ;)
I want your hover board. And your plaid shirt.
I wish I had a friendship like Marty and the Doc's.
The novel version of the movies shall most definitely be on my Christmas list...
along with electronic candles. And other things I can't think of.
Sunday(that's today) I went to church.
Can I just say that if there's one person I'm throughly grateful for right now, it's Andrea Duncan.
I've never met a nicer person in my life. Seriously!
She's accompianing me/arranging a medley for a veteran's program I'm singing for this Wednesday.
I REALLY loved the medley that she put together, she's so patient, and nice to do this on such short notice. We rehearsed in between services today, and she gave me advice on parts of the song that I never would of thought of. And Tuesday we're going to rehearse again. I'm so excited! My first big solo "gig".
Very nervewracking. hehe.
I'm not nervous now, but once I see the facility, and once it hits me that I'm singing ALONE, and I don't even have a director.....yeah. No pressure.
I'm praying VERY HARD that I do alright.
Anyways, that's kind of what my week looks like.
Along with music lessons, math tutoring, and the occasional Zumba class.
I know, I have nothing in my schedule right now, it's crazy!
I'm having trouble comprehending it myself, to be honest.
Though in about a week or so I'll be up at the theatre every day(*happy dance*) since I'll be working backstage for White Christmas! Yay!
But anyways...
Mom's probably going to yell at me any second now to go study chemistry.
I'd rather go listen to the Back to the Future soundtrack.....which I downloaded today.
For some reason I've recently developed a fetish for 80/90's movies..
My Girl, The Shining, Back to the Future, Alien, what's next?
awwww :)
The last thing Marty saw before leaving 1885 was Clara being saved by the Doc and them floating away happily on the pink hoverboard. :)
It made me sad when I first saw it, and it looked like he was never going to see the Doc again, after the Time Machine gets destroyed. :(
But then he comes back! Yay!
And then it's over. No fourth movie :(
Ok I'll shutup now.
Oh guess what? It's 7:50, and it's been dark for a whole hour!
I don't know whether I like this time change thing or not. Oh well.
*tear* Michael J. Fox is in tears.
But he finds his girlfriend again! Yay!
I can't believe that the sun set at 8:15 back at the end of August, and in November the sun set at 5:50.
Not cool.
Oh, and you know what else? It's didn't get above 40 degrees outside!!!
I am not pleased.
And wearing short.
Though I get to wear my peacoat, yay! :D
Ok, I better go. I hate that I don't update often, but I'm just busy. More like, I don't have a chance to get on the computer often.
He's back, Doc's back! with his TRAIN time machine! Happy Dance! And it has stained glass windows. Very classy. I love the picture he gave Marty, so sweet!
Did I mention I wish I had a friendship like that? One where you're closer than family? It must be nice.
Ok it's over. And the movie is Still an epic WIN.
Ok I'm getting off now, for real!
Though I have to say one more thing: I'm very proud of my best friend Elizabeth Thompson, for finishing her opening weekend for Dracula in Iowa. I miss her :( But she's doing really well, and I'm about to change schools too, so I'm really happy for her! I just hope I can see her during Christmas break or something.
Ok, seriously now, Pirates of the Caribbean is on, so I'm going to get off because I KNOW Mom'll want to study chemistry. Oh. Joy.
Goodnight! :)
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