Saturday, December 31, 2011
It's here! Wait, what?

Saturday, December 24, 2011
Christmas Eve....
It's 11:11, and right now I'm wishing for love. I'm also thinking about the friendships that God has brought into my life, and my heart is so happy. HE is so good to me, I don't deserve his love at all.
Well, I guess i'm spending Christmas morning with my cousins, and not with my mom and brother. Dad's at work in Tennessee...this is so weird. I mean, they'll be over later in the morning, but the fact that we're not even at home is crazy to me! But we all needed space from each other, that's for sure. So I think this is a good thing? We'll see.
I'm going to go eat chocolate cake/icecream and finish watching Fireproof with my "extended" family. We spent today shopping at thrift stores, then attending their church's candlelight service. I GOT MY DREAM PROM DRESS. Details later. :D
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night! God bless. <3
Friday, December 16, 2011
I have survived.

Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thanksgiving, my cases of boy crazy, and a bunch of other schtuff.

I think in my last post I said that Chuck was going to ask me to the homecoming dance back in September? haha. I scared him away, poor guy. He wouldn't ask me, so I wouldn't go with him. I think I would of had more fun with him though.....maybe. He's such a sweetheart, has a really deep voice, and he's Thai! So he's a pretty cool kid. :)
Jahan: And then there's.....Jahan. UGH. I've liked him since the first time I met him. (which was at orientation before school started.....not like I remember or anything. :P) I don't even know where to start. I'm just going to make a long story short. lol For some reason I think God is working in his life through me, so I'm going to put feelings aside and settle for friendship. And just to make it clear, I'm not friends with him because I want to convert him.(just for the record, he's from Kabul, Afghanistan, and he is Muslim.) I've already tried to screw up our friendship twice by my feeble attempts at a relationship, and twice I've backed out. Well, the second time it was fine, but it's way too complicated for me to explain. Now I'm just happy that we're friends. I love our conversations, I love trying to make him smile, and I hope that by the end of the year our friendship is solid enough to last graduation and not seeing each other on a daily basis. He's one of the few people that I feel could stay in my life for a really long time. :)
And this leads up to the present, where I'm definitely taking a break from trying to get a boyfriend. lol The problem is that people don't believe me when I say I'm taking a break from my search! Yeah, I'm really fickle, but when I say something, I mean it. So there ya go. Not that I feel to the need to explain myself on my blog, because nobody is going to read it. Thank you privacy settings! But I will anyway, because this is more fun then writing thesis. I really like Jahan, it will be a long time before I can get over those feelings, but friendship is more important. I'm going to try really.....really hard not to screw up our friendship. Yep.
So why don't I change the subject before my brain explodes? Ooooh Thanksgiving
There area a lot of people at my house right now. Just for record's sake there are nine people, seven when you don't include me and Andrew. There's:Joyce from Taiwan
Rebecca, HyunSoo, and Grace from South Korea
Jesse from Japan, but he's half Nigerian
aaand Frank and Chad from Thailand
They are my family, I love them so much. :) They helped with the Thanksgiving meal, and putting up the Christmas lights outside! Yesterday we went black friday shopping from 10 pm until 11 am the next day! It was amazing. I also had my friend Brianna over for three nights, and during that time we played pool for bets(I lost.), and I talked to Jahan for 2 1/2 hours at midnight. So yeah, I've had such a good break, I really don't want it to end! but I really need to fall back into the reality of my work for senior year. I have a 25 page thesis due, and an 8 page research paper, both due next month! Please shoot me to get me out of my misery. I'm writing the research paper on Jimmy Stewart, and the thesis on the history of opera and how today's culture has affected opera today. Yeah. I'm a nerd. :) And a procrastinator. Big time!
I better go, Frank wants me to help him with his science project. lol He's twelve, and knows more about Luis Vuitton than I do! Goodness. I think I'm going to write a short list of what I accomplished since I last wrote:
I have a voice teacher now!!!!! Her name is Cecily Nall, and she's one of he main music teachers at UT. :D
I won the talent show. I sang the Taylor the Latte Boy. One of the highlights of my year.
I've done various singing gigs for my headmaster to make up for him retrieving my laundry in Beijing. It's a long story. lol But I also sang at the Tennessee Baptist Convention, in front of thousands of people! So cool. :)
I have visited two colleges: UT and Belmont. Belmont is my #1, but I'm more likely to get a full ride at UT. I'm going wherever the money goes! Going to college. goodness. I've grown up.
That's all I guess. Let me just reitterate how much I simply adore being 17. This is the age I will be when I graduate from high school and start college. God has opened up so many doors for me this year, it blows my mind. I guess I'll just have to keep praying for his guidence, so that I walk through the one that is best for me! AGH He is so good. :)
Until next time!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
The bad thing about not blogging in over two months is that so many huge things happen, and I don't have the time or energy to talk about all of them! So I'm just going to make a list because....I like writing lists.
- Roane State
- Meeting Rachele Gilmore
- I Puritini Rehearsal
- Finding out that Ms. Thomas is leaving...
- Going to see I Puritini with Dad twice.
- Worship retreat with Dennis Jernigan
- Biltmore Trip with art class
- Cyrille coming to live with us
- Spring break!
- Spring concert
I know this isn't much, I might elaborate some other time. Graduation is next Friday, and then summer break! This truly has been a life changing semester for me. I can't wait to see what life and God brings me next!
Friday, March 18, 2011
New York in a nutshell. (and Washington D.C)

Lincoln Memorial!
This is my "I'm in New York City and I never want to leave" happy face.

Times Square!
PHANTOM OF THE OPERA. Phantom fist pump!
A great end to a fantastic trip. :)
So as you can see, I had the most amazing time in the city. :) I think on thing I got out of the trip is the discovery that I really, really want to live there one there. This longing to make it back to the place where I felt at home has inspired me to work harder to become successful in my singing so that one day I could maybe live and sing there!
Monday, February 28, 2011
A Week from now...

This February I'm looking foward to my third GSFTA reunion, I've made lifelong friends and grown as a singer, and my life has been changed.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Long time no see!
I now have a roommate!! Her name is Arianne, she's from Rwanda, and she has a twin sister, Lily! And we get along! yay! One thing that crack me up is the fact that they speak fluent english, meaning that sometimes I'm stuck in the middle of a conversation that I don't understand! It's quite amusing. Oh, and another thing! The first day after I met them, it snowed. Big time. Like, over five inches. And it was BEAUTIFUL. When we walked out to brunch that morning, you couldn't tell where the paths and roads were, so it looked like a big, beatiful bed of white! And it made it even more exciting, because Lily and Arienne had NEVER seen snow before! SO COOL. Let me just say, I've never had more fun in a snowball fight. :D
Dixie Stampede: That weekend, we had our first dorm outing to Dixie Stampede. Boy was that fun!!! Since it was over the weekend, my Mom went with me so that she could drive me to and from the show. I'm so glad my Mom went, it was a lot of fun with her there! It definitely was neat to expierence the show from the perspective of the foreign students, who did not grow up learning about the American civil war, and the divide between the north and the south, or even the big deal about the slaves! So that was neat. And watching them expierence true southern cooking with only their hands was so funny! My Mom told the kid sitting next to her(bless his heart, I think she drove him crazy because she talked to him so much, and he's generally quite reserved), "no chopsticks here!". It was a good weekend. :)
Fast foward a weekend to my DOLLYWOOD AUDITION.
I'm still slightly in shock that I actually auditioned for Dollywood. I've wanted to do this for years! I feel like I didn't do too bad, even though I screwed up my first song(which will probably haunt me for the next few months), but I kind of made up for it in the next song. I say that I didn't do too bad is also because I was one of the few that actually got through two songs without being stopped, and they actually asked me questions and talked to me! In comparison to the people that went before me, that's a big deal in my mind. It also helped that Mrs. Andrea Duncan was kind enough to come with me to be my accompianist. To put my opinion about Andrea in a nutshell, I would say what my Dad and I always say when we mention her, "When I grow up I want to be just like her!!". She is the kindest person I know, and I truly admire her as a christian. I mean, she's almost too nice! You know what I mean? She's one of those people that I always want to be around so that maybe some of her kindness and godliness would rub off on me. Anyways, her being there for encouragement, support, and of course, to play my songs for me, made a HUGE difference. Even though I have not been told whether I've made it or not, I know I didn't make it. I mean, I lied about my age for crying out loud! But I know now that I definitely will try out next year, and this year was a great expierence that I will never forget.
This past weekend was very much eventful. I went snowtubing with the dorm kids, had family dinner at the dorm, and started working on stuff for economics week! Family dinner was SO GREAT. I got picked to be on the cooking team, and I got to cook noodles! I've never cooked like THAT ever. How crazy is that, when my Mom is a professional cook?! Anyways, I survived making the noodles without getting burnt, and everyone ate them without getting sick. Success! The set up crew decorated the cafeteria with snowmen, and we all ate together as one big happy "family". I loved it. :) Afterwards, we went out to the football field and played THREE hours of night capture the flag. Let me tell you, it was intense. My brother, his friend, and my Dad also came, and had fun as well. Even though it was freezing, and I was tired, and we lost, it was such a great night. I can't wait for next month's Family Dinner!
Aha! I'm caught up now! So here's this week. This week has been HECTIC. With economics week, my World Religion presentation, my childrens book and singing in choir, it's been crazy. Economics week I think has killed me. That is, it's killed my voice. I can barely talk, let alone sing. Being the over-enthusiastic ray of sunshine I am, I can't help myself but to talk to everyone about how badly they need my homemade brownies, necklaces, and love bugs!(made of really cute pom-poms and googly eyes). Literally, I will scream across the room if it means gaining a customer. It was great the first two days, but it's past day four, and I'm hurting. So, tomorrow I'm going on vocal rest and not speaking AT ALL. Good luck to my business partner! Though I guess she can do it, seeing as she was not here at all last week, because of mono/getting ehr wisdom teeth taken out. I did feel sorry of course, but by Tuesday I was seriously questioning my sanity! Anyways, amid all of the stress, we haven't done too terribly. Our table looks great, we have great products, and everything is selling! So even though the thing is so unorganized, it's a good expierence. :)
Well, I guess that's all for now! Saturday Dad and I are going to a Valentine's day concert with the dorm kids, which will be fun. :) I'll hopefully post sooner than later!