Well folks, the end of 2011 is upon us. Wasn't I just posting about the end of 2010 like....five minutes ago? Oh wait, that was actually 364 days ago. What the heck. Why is it that when life begins to get super exciting, it speeds up? Time really does fly when you are having fun. Well....here are some highlights from my year! God has blessed me so much.
The King's Academy. Why have you not been in my life before this year? I have been missing out.**
First professional audition: Dollywood. I lied about my name, was sooo nervous, and it really did help me grow as an artist because it gave me some important experience!**
Snow tubing with the dorm!!
New York/Washington D.C trip**
First solo competition-Third place in the classical category!
Sitting in on Knoxville Opera's rehearsal of I Puritini and meeting Rachele Gilmore!!
Choir retreat with Dennis Jernigan, I'm still affect spiritually from what I experienced there.
Rapelling down a mountain at the Eco Trip. What an adventure!
Prooom. :D
Spring break with my dorm sisters!
Lousiana Trip with the family, and first trip with Cyrille
Oh yeah, Cyrille came into our lives this year! Can't forget that!
Photography expedition to Biltmore, and painting in the gardens.
Sooo many wonderful trips to Dollywood. It is my second home.
Getting poison ivy in June. Not something I want to repeat, or wish on anyone....
Midnight premiere of Harry Potter 7 pt. 2. The end of an era....
White water rafting with my cousins!
CHINA. CHINA CHINA CHINA. First time out of the country, changed my life. I don't have the words to describe how much I love China now. And the friends I made there!
My first international gig: singing in front of 3000 people(and being on local Beijjing television!!!)
First semester of my senior year! Football games, homecoming, I actually participated and enjoyed having school spirit and doing all of the typical high school things!
Camping trip with the dorm. And forming my first potentional relationship with a boy.
Talent show-I won first place!! "Taylor the Latte Boy"
All of the many singing gigs I had representing the school
Singing at the Southern Baptist Convention in front of 1500 people.
Fall break with my dorm brothers and sisters!
Florida with my cousins!
Seeing Scott and Arnie perform for the last time in Christmas in the Smokies
Oh, and I got my permit ;)**
Getting a voice teacher! Cecily Nall is awesome. :D **
And...here are all of the things I am looking foward to in 2012!
Audition for Dollywood AGAIN. Yes, I am stubborn. haha
College auditions. Not really looking foward to those...
Guatamala! Leaving the country again, this time for a mission trip!
Senior prom! A date? I have the dress. Let the magic happen....
Graduating! Yeah, I really will be graduating from high school. What the heck.
Summer break! I'm not even going to begin to guess what I'm going to be doing.
Getting my license! Yeah, I need to work on that.
Going to college. Once again, what the heck.
Turning 18. Woah.
Aquiring a boyfriend? That would be cool.
Getting better at my chinese, because I really want to go back to China.
More solo gigs, maybe some that I will get paid?
More magical adventures at Dollywood. I love that place.
Growing as a musician, christian, and person. Can't wait!
How fitting that I would be ending my blog at 11:11. I wish that God will open more doors to me this year, and give me the wisdom I will need to make the right decisions in my life. Because this is the year where the decisions I make will affect the rest of my life. No pressure! For the first time ever, I also wish for love this year. I don't want to be alone and never kissed like Susan Boyle! Ugh. Anyways...
2011, you have been SO good to me. You definitely knocked 2010 out of the water! Thanks friend. :) Dear 2012, I can't wait to see you in a few minutes! We are going to have so much fun. And no, the world is not going to end! Yay!
Goodbye 2011, I still can't believe you are leaving so soon. Hello 2012, time to have fun! :D
I can do all things through Christ, who strenghtens me. Phillipians 4:13. <3
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