Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2nd Day = Success! Except for getting lost once...

I've had such a good day. I'll go class by class:

Art: At this point, it seems like it'll be a breeze. The teacher is very uhh chill? I guess that's how I'll describe her. We're going to be building cathedrals apparently, so I need to do a little research on how they are made and such. Besides that it seems alright.

Bible: I got lost getting to class. UGH. The school has to seperate third floors, so you have to go up the right set of stairs of course. Which of course I didn't. Twice. FAIL. Anyways, I eventually made it to Bible. And all we did was watch a movie on polygamy(sorry bad spelling probably), which was really depressing. And you know what our homework was? He doesn't want us to come back the next day married with thirty two children and four sister wives. Sounds easy enough!

Technology: The teacher makes me really nervous. She's so serious, and is probably not the kind of person you want to get on their bad side. Of course I did by drinking...in a computer class. They do call me the smart one you know! But the class should be really easy. I pretty much know how to work Microsoft Word/Office and do powerpoints anyways, so another easy class. :)

Economics: Strangely, I think I'm going to really like this class! The teacher is really nice, and he reminds me of someone I know already, so that's pretty cool! And he's funny, which is a plus. And I sit right in the middle of a pool of sunlight, so it's perfect. And we had no homework, plus the textbook are really tiny, which doesn't matter because we dont' even have to take them home with us. Score!

English III: After a ten minute break to chill and such, I get to go to a really fun class. The teacher is super nice, and funny as well. Apparently those teachers are pretty tight, so that's awesome. And we're doing this....Grammar Rodeo. It sounds a little weird. LOL But it's all good. Though I have to figure out a way to print out my grammar quiz I'm giving to everyone. Oh joy. But besides that it's all good.

LUNCH: Lunch is basically a class period because we have a whole stinkin' hour! It's crazy. And the food was pretty good today. And the cafeteria staff is super nice! And they have hot tea! I love it here. :)

Middle School Orchestra: We had a sub again, so we played musical bingo! Lovely. The kids are cute, but get to be a little obnoxious after a while. :P But hopefully tomorrow it will get better.

Choir: Because we had a sub, I went to choir even though I was supposed to go to Orchestra. I did NOT want to play Bingo again! Anyways, I'm going to really like choir. A couple of them seem to be a bit annoyed that Ms. Thomas called me the soprano leader, but I think I can hold my own with them. Personality wise I mean, singing is a definite. LOL Oh you know what made my day? Ms. Thomas said I'm going to have a solo in the spring concert!!!!!!! You know how much of a big deal that is? Mrs. Bowen never let me have a solo! Even though I was the obvious one who should of had it! Justice is fair!! And it's one of my favorite hymns! Too bad I can't think of the name of it. UGH. Oh well, it doesn't matter, she's giving me a solo! I feel like I've found a friend in her too, which means so much. :)

Oh, tonight I went to my first ever basketball game! It was fun. I actually have some school spirit! Shocker. LOL
I think I'm going to bed now. I'm pretty wiped. Either that or start my George Bush biography. I don't know. But I'm going to finish this post either way! Goodnight!
Oh BTW the picture is me in my dorm on my first day. Pretty great, right? ;)

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