I love Saturdays. I love waking up with feeling of, well, having nothing to do! Most Saturdays I am busy, but this Saturday? Nothing. The feeling is Glorious! Though the more I think about it, the more I'm realizing all the things I should be doing. My Issac Newton paper, practicing my Bach piece for saxophone, and cleaning my room wouldn't be so bad either. But you know? That can wait. It's not even noon yet for crying out loud! Why do we always feel the need to be rushing about like a chicken with our head cut off? I'd love to know, seeing as the majority of my week consists of the running about. But that's a whole other story.
I can't believe it's only 18 days until my family and I go to DisneyWorld! I'm excited, but a bit bummed. Maybe I'm just spoiled, but I have a thing about big trips where you have a schedule. I hate the fact that we have to be in one park at a certain time, then go to a certain restraunt at a certain time, they be back at our hotel at a certain time, with a curfew! It's very binding if you ask me. Though I am very grateful for the fact that my parents and brother are going, allowing me to keep away from the rest of the choir kids. I am very selfish, I can't stand being in a big group because I normally have no say in where we go, or what we do. But with my family, we know what we want to do, and we have the amount of respect for each other so that we all end up having a good time.
I guess I completely forgot to mention Why we're going to Disney in the first place! My choir(the advanced choir, though trust me, it doesn't feel advanced), was invited to sing in their "Magic Music Days" program. As in, we're going to have a 25 minute program on a stage we'll only see once: the time of the performence. Plus, we're technically not even in the park! We're on their big boardwalk, which consists of shops and restraunts only. Fun. Though the more I think about it, the more I get excited. We're performing at Disney World! THE Disney World! Supposedly we'll have a big audience, that is I'm crossing our fingers that it will consist of more that the girl's choir and the band. UGH. Oh well, no sense worrying about what you can't change! :)
I guess that's all for now, this whole blog thing is kind of nice, I can talk for as long as I wish and no one will interupt me, or tell me to shup up. Which is what happens on a daily basis, especially when I try to help someone with their rythm or pitch skills! haha
Oh BTW I have a thing for photography, so I'm going to try and attach a pretty picture with every entry. That is all :)
picture caption: Yes I'm despretely longing for summer, I'm terribly sick of all of the snow and cold! You would be to if your city's temp. hadn't risen above freezing for two months....
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