Friday, March 18, 2011

New York in a nutshell. (and Washington D.C)

For some reason, this particular trip I can't seem to put into words, so I'll just show you some pictures and put up a few highlights:At the White House
At the National Museum of Natural History-I named the Elephant george. ;)

Ilove these girls, they were so much fun to be with!

Washington Monument

Lincoln Memorial!This is my "I'm in New York City and I never want to leave" happy face.

Times Square!

PHANTOM OF THE OPERA. Phantom fist pump!A great end to a fantastic trip. :)

So as you can see, I had the most amazing time in the city. :) I think on thing I got out of the trip is the discovery that I really, really want to live there one there. This longing to make it back to the place where I felt at home has inspired me to work harder to become successful in my singing so that one day I could maybe live and sing there!