How exciting! I can't believe all the opportunities that have arisen at school recently. Before I start overly blabbering as usual, I must apologize for not updating in almost a month. I've gotten into a rhythm and routine at school, and usually the only time I think about maybe blogging is when I'm half asleep and going through lists in my head. But I finally have the chance, and since it's the last day in Febuary, I felt the need to at least have something for this month. Especially since a year ago I began this blog. I can't believe it, a whole year! I don't think I've ever stuck to any type of journal of blog for more than a week, let alone a year! It's a good feeling. :) It's also an amazing to look back and compare my Febuary of 2010 to my Febuary or 2011. Here's an example:
Last year I was working as assistant director for Into the Woods, and being contantly reminded that I was not a senior, and I was not allowed to have any solos, let alone a non-ensemble role in the play.
This year I have been invited to sing for prospective students and all faculty at the spring orientation. I have the solo for the finale song in the spring concert, and I will be auditioning as a soloist at the main annual competition.
Last year I "performed" at DisneyWorld, and spent the majority of the time with my family, and staying away from everyone in the choir.
This year I'm spending a week with the entire junior class in Washinton D.C and New York, and rooming with two of my dorm sisters! One is from Korea, and one is from China. :D
Last February I just found out that I was accepted into Governor's School for the arts, and that my best friend Elizabeth and I would both get to go!
This February I'm looking foward to my third GSFTA reunion, I've made lifelong friends and grown as a singer, and my life has been changed.
This February I'm looking foward to my third GSFTA reunion, I've made lifelong friends and grown as a singer, and my life has been changed.
And the biggest one:
Last February I was attending public school and was miserable, and this year I am attending private school and am thriving, and having the time of my life!
It blows my mind how so many things have changed in the span of a year, and I it makes me feel SO blessed to realize that God does have a plan in store for my life, I just need to be patient and do what he wants! It's really comforting to know that you don't have to worry about what's going to happen to you, because God has already planned out your life, and if you follow him, you get to follow that plan! How exciting!
Well, I guess that's all. I'm pretty pumped because this weekend I'm taking my roommate, her sister, and Ana to D-Now at my church this weekend! It's going to be so much fun. :) And next week? NEW YORK!!!!
Ahhh I can barely contain my excitement!!! I've been many times before, but I feel like this trip is going to be really important in confirming whether I want to live there someday or not. And I'm really excited that I'm going alone without family, and with my new school friends! And plus, it's NEW YORK!!! Ahhh!!!
I'll let you know how it goes. :) Goodnight!