Friday, December 31, 2010
Ten minutes....
Just thought I'd throw out the fact that the new year is only ten minutes away. :) Here's to the last post of 2010! I'm sitting in the office working on my digital scrapbook, and watching Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year! Mom's organizing photos in her room, and Andrew and Dad are at a New Year's party at a friend's house. Whoo good times! Tomorrow is a new day, and a new year! So exciting! I think this year I'm going to try and lose more weight, become a harder worker and more patient, and keep working on making my voice better. :)
2011, WHAT?!
T-mines seven hours until the new year, and I'm quite in shock. I always get a little clauserphobic on New Year's, just because you have no choice in the fact that you must go into the new year.
Here are a few exciting things that have happened this year:
Disney World trip with choir, getting to sing at Disney World
Music Man
Governor's School for the Arts
Louisianna Trip with family
Going to Splash Country and Dollywood with Dad and Andrew
Super September Saturday to Gatlinburg/Smokey Mountians National Park
Tough Church retreat with my church
Being in the church under the direction of our new music director
Both Governor's School reunions
All East
Dollywood trips during Christmas season with family
Andrew's birthday trip to Wilderness Resort and Dollywood
First solo "gig" at Veteran's Day Program
White Christmas's what I look foward to next year:
Getting my permit
New School
Auditioning to perform at Dollywood
Sunday in the Park with George
New York/Washington D.C trip
More solo gigs hopefully
New choir teacher
New voice teacher hopefully
Summer break
So, I guess I have had a very full year. I'm so grateful for all of the opportunities I've been given this year. I can't wait to see what life is going to bring me next year!!
Goodbye 2010. You've been good to me, and I'll never forget you. Hello 2011, here's to you and the new decade!! Happy new year everyone!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Day 1 of the "Cold War"
Phooey. I have a cold. I woke up two days ago with a really dry throat, and knew the worst was about to begin. Both of my parents have been sick this month, and I was SO confident that I would not get sick! But alas, I spoke too soon. Today is what I would call my first day of my, 'cold' war. Get it? COLD, war? hehe I know. It's sad. haha Here's what I've done so far to defend myself against this lovely virus, or whatever it is, in my head:
Woke up at 5 am(not by choice) and gargled warm water, blew my nose about twenty times, and ate a Hall's Vitamin C drop. Lemon flavored. Then I spent the next half hour trying to fall asleep again.
When I offically awoke at 9 am, I couldn't breathe. Again. And my throat was extremely dry. Which is my worst nightmare, because now I can barely talk, and sing. Fun. Anyways, I ate a blueberry mini bagel, a banana, and a mug of lemon tea. I sat in bed for another two hours, then drank some peppermint tea. Then I took a
I must be crazy, but my one guilty pleasure is a really hot, really long shower. Another crazy thing: I stole my brother's Axe Shower gel and took it for my own, only because it has a ton of menthol, and when you put it on a bath poufe, it opens up your sinuses like nobody's business. And it is this intense shade of blue that I really like. hehe I also use three different shampoos, and a conditioner. Yep. I sound spoiled. But they all work for different reasons, so I kind of have to have them! One is for body, one is for shine, I'm not sure what the other one is for yet, and my conditioner is vital! I guess I wouldn't technically have to have it, but we all have things that we don't need, right? Ok now I'm really blabbing. Anyways, the shower really helped my sinuses, but at this moment I'm stuck with a really dry throat. ehh. We'll see how the rest of the week goes. :P
Oh another thing: my Aunt B.C and Uncle Matt are here from Louisianna! They got in around five yesterday, and I think today we're going to do nothing. I was going to say what we were going to do, but then I realized that we really aren't doing anything today, so that's why I put in that awkward sentence. I think tonight is my brother's basketball tournament, so we probably will go watch him do that. As for the other twelvish hours in my day, I have no idea what we're doing. We'll see!
Woke up at 5 am(not by choice) and gargled warm water, blew my nose about twenty times, and ate a Hall's Vitamin C drop. Lemon flavored. Then I spent the next half hour trying to fall asleep again.
When I offically awoke at 9 am, I couldn't breathe. Again. And my throat was extremely dry. Which is my worst nightmare, because now I can barely talk, and sing. Fun. Anyways, I ate a blueberry mini bagel, a banana, and a mug of lemon tea. I sat in bed for another two hours, then drank some peppermint tea. Then I took a
I must be crazy, but my one guilty pleasure is a really hot, really long shower. Another crazy thing: I stole my brother's Axe Shower gel and took it for my own, only because it has a ton of menthol, and when you put it on a bath poufe, it opens up your sinuses like nobody's business. And it is this intense shade of blue that I really like. hehe I also use three different shampoos, and a conditioner. Yep. I sound spoiled. But they all work for different reasons, so I kind of have to have them! One is for body, one is for shine, I'm not sure what the other one is for yet, and my conditioner is vital! I guess I wouldn't technically have to have it, but we all have things that we don't need, right? Ok now I'm really blabbing. Anyways, the shower really helped my sinuses, but at this moment I'm stuck with a really dry throat. ehh. We'll see how the rest of the week goes. :P
Oh another thing: my Aunt B.C and Uncle Matt are here from Louisianna! They got in around five yesterday, and I think today we're going to do nothing. I was going to say what we were going to do, but then I realized that we really aren't doing anything today, so that's why I put in that awkward sentence. I think tonight is my brother's basketball tournament, so we probably will go watch him do that. As for the other twelvish hours in my day, I have no idea what we're doing. We'll see!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Goodness. Christmas really snuck up on me this year. I mean, two weeks ago I was at the last Saturday show for White Christmas, and not even thinking about Christmas. Then there was the Christmas Tree lighting at Church, which was simply magical because we got to sing while it was snowing! It was so much fun. Speaking of snow, the next day we were out of school! An then the next day we were out. And the next day(Dad and I went to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader that day, which was SO good.) By Thursday I was getting a little annoyed, because I actually wanted to get finals, gift giving, and goodbyes over with! But alas, we were out on Friday, I'm not taking finals, and I didn't get to say goodbye to anyone *sigh* oh well. Good thing for Facebook I guess! So that was last week.
This past week has been literally a weekend of sleepovers. Sunday night/Monday morning was spent at Brittaney's house, where we made sundaes, talked about anything and everything, playing pee poker(I got second place after drinking over sixty shots of water and being the second to go to the bathroom after holding my poor bladder for over 1 1/2 hours!), and falling asleep to She's the Man. Definitely what I was call a successful sleepover. The next day(Tuesday) consisted of music lessons with Mrs. Syder, and sleep recovery from the night before. On Wednesday I left at 9 am for Knoxville to hitch a ride with Laura to Nashville for my second Governor's School reunion! We arrived at David's house at about 6:00, and were greeted by Savannah and David. Many hugs ensued of course. After everyone else arrived, we ate a fabulous dinner cooked by David's "gourmet" chef of a Dad, took a ton of pictures of us dressed up in our finest, and played some hilarious games, thanks to Staci's genius creativity. Poor David and Savannah. Let's just say that using panti hose, balloons, and ribbon makes quite the hilarious reindeer costume. Then we changed into our PJ's, and played Dirty Santa. After practically paying JJ to trade my Obama chia head for his caramel popcorn, I ended with the edible gift. Of course. Better than the silly bands I guess! At about 1 am, I passed out in the comfy chair, while everyone else stayed to 5:30. Of course. I'm pretty pathetic when it comes to all-nighters. But it's OK I guess. That morning(Thursday) we chowed down on David's Dad's Mickey Mouse pancakes and cranberry juice. OH NOM NOM. We chilled in David's room and listed to music while digesting our breakfast, before getting out of our pajamas and preparing for an outing to explore where David lives. I must say, my friends are really great drivers. I hope I can be that good....once I get my permit. :P Anyways, we ended up eating lunch at P.F Changs, which was simply delightful. I've never eaten that much soup in my life! When we arrived back at David's house, JJ and Miranda left, and Laura and I were left to wait for Laura's Dad to take us back to Knoxville. It was sad saying goodbye to David. But after a three hour drive back to Knoxville, and an hour drive east, I was home! And very sleepy. Friday(Christmas Eve!) consisted of sleeping, chilling, and the Candlelight service at church. That was probably the highlight of my Christmas. Seeing all of those people hold up their candles during 'Silent Night' was very moving. And singing the high notes in 'O Holy Night' was so much fun. Definitely a successful service. And I got to open two presents that night! Mom and Dad got me a personalized Tervis Tumbler, and black slippers(which I'm wearing right now. SO SOFT.) After watching the Holiday with Mom and Dad, I went to sleep. Which leads me to:
Christmas Morning!
I awoke at 5 am, to look at what I recieved from good 'ole Kris Kringle, and saw:
A keyboard, a HP laptop, George Bush's autobiography, some professional grade shampoo, two Trollbeads(which are on backorder, so I'll get them in January), a scarf and some socks, my new school uniforms(lovely.), a purple peacoat, and a few other little things. I didn't get a lot of things on my list, but I've recieved many things throughout the year, so I'm throughly grateful. I'm trying not to take anything for granted, because knowing God, if you let material things get in the way of your relationship with him, he'll take it all away. So I'm definitely going to put him first always. :) After picture taking and gift opening, I went back to bed, then chilled until dinner. My Mom is the BEST. We ate turkey w/ dressing, mashed potatoes(homemade!!), peas, and topped it off with pumkin pie. So. Good. And that brings me to now. I'm sitting in the basement with my new laptop, waiting for Andrew to come back down and play modern warefare on his new "kinect" X Box 360, and maybe turn on First Baptist's Living Christmas tree pre recorded on TV. At this moment, life is good. :)
Next week my Aunt B.C and Uncle Matt will be coming in from Louisianna and staying with us for a few days. A Dollywood trip will definitely happen during next week. And then next Sunday, I move into my dorm at TKA! So exciting!
Well, that's all for now. I'm going to play around with my new laptop some more, and watch Dad and Andrew jump around in from of he Kinect. Merry Christmas everyone! :)
This past week has been literally a weekend of sleepovers. Sunday night/Monday morning was spent at Brittaney's house, where we made sundaes, talked about anything and everything, playing pee poker(I got second place after drinking over sixty shots of water and being the second to go to the bathroom after holding my poor bladder for over 1 1/2 hours!), and falling asleep to She's the Man. Definitely what I was call a successful sleepover. The next day(Tuesday) consisted of music lessons with Mrs. Syder, and sleep recovery from the night before. On Wednesday I left at 9 am for Knoxville to hitch a ride with Laura to Nashville for my second Governor's School reunion! We arrived at David's house at about 6:00, and were greeted by Savannah and David. Many hugs ensued of course. After everyone else arrived, we ate a fabulous dinner cooked by David's "gourmet" chef of a Dad, took a ton of pictures of us dressed up in our finest, and played some hilarious games, thanks to Staci's genius creativity. Poor David and Savannah. Let's just say that using panti hose, balloons, and ribbon makes quite the hilarious reindeer costume. Then we changed into our PJ's, and played Dirty Santa. After practically paying JJ to trade my Obama chia head for his caramel popcorn, I ended with the edible gift. Of course. Better than the silly bands I guess! At about 1 am, I passed out in the comfy chair, while everyone else stayed to 5:30. Of course. I'm pretty pathetic when it comes to all-nighters. But it's OK I guess. That morning(Thursday) we chowed down on David's Dad's Mickey Mouse pancakes and cranberry juice. OH NOM NOM. We chilled in David's room and listed to music while digesting our breakfast, before getting out of our pajamas and preparing for an outing to explore where David lives. I must say, my friends are really great drivers. I hope I can be that good....once I get my permit. :P Anyways, we ended up eating lunch at P.F Changs, which was simply delightful. I've never eaten that much soup in my life! When we arrived back at David's house, JJ and Miranda left, and Laura and I were left to wait for Laura's Dad to take us back to Knoxville. It was sad saying goodbye to David. But after a three hour drive back to Knoxville, and an hour drive east, I was home! And very sleepy. Friday(Christmas Eve!) consisted of sleeping, chilling, and the Candlelight service at church. That was probably the highlight of my Christmas. Seeing all of those people hold up their candles during 'Silent Night' was very moving. And singing the high notes in 'O Holy Night' was so much fun. Definitely a successful service. And I got to open two presents that night! Mom and Dad got me a personalized Tervis Tumbler, and black slippers(which I'm wearing right now. SO SOFT.) After watching the Holiday with Mom and Dad, I went to sleep. Which leads me to:
Christmas Morning!
I awoke at 5 am, to look at what I recieved from good 'ole Kris Kringle, and saw:
A keyboard, a HP laptop, George Bush's autobiography, some professional grade shampoo, two Trollbeads(which are on backorder, so I'll get them in January), a scarf and some socks, my new school uniforms(lovely.), a purple peacoat, and a few other little things. I didn't get a lot of things on my list, but I've recieved many things throughout the year, so I'm throughly grateful. I'm trying not to take anything for granted, because knowing God, if you let material things get in the way of your relationship with him, he'll take it all away. So I'm definitely going to put him first always. :) After picture taking and gift opening, I went back to bed, then chilled until dinner. My Mom is the BEST. We ate turkey w/ dressing, mashed potatoes(homemade!!), peas, and topped it off with pumkin pie. So. Good. And that brings me to now. I'm sitting in the basement with my new laptop, waiting for Andrew to come back down and play modern warefare on his new "kinect" X Box 360, and maybe turn on First Baptist's Living Christmas tree pre recorded on TV. At this moment, life is good. :)
Next week my Aunt B.C and Uncle Matt will be coming in from Louisianna and staying with us for a few days. A Dollywood trip will definitely happen during next week. And then next Sunday, I move into my dorm at TKA! So exciting!
Well, that's all for now. I'm going to play around with my new laptop some more, and watch Dad and Andrew jump around in from of he Kinect. Merry Christmas everyone! :)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Snow! Or not. Maybe a little? Please?
*sigh* Why is it that the last full week of school is feeling like the longest? This morning we had a one hour snow delay(no complaints there!), though it made the entire school day feel excruciatingly long.(especially chemistry. Though that class always has the illusion of never ending, so nothing new there). Even choir is starting to feel a little tedious, seeing as I won't be in the choir next semester, so everything we're currenting working on I will not get to perform, or even completely learn. And, I'm not alowed to sight sing or do sight rythms, because apparently the whole class relies on me. Wonderful. Anyways, I was very happy to leave the school and come home.
Thank goodness I had a bright spot in my day. Music lessons were exceptionally fun today. I didn't do any piano today, but worked on my violin pieces that I will be playing Friday for the ensemble recital at the nursing home. It's so much fun to 'jam' with Mrs. Snyder, especially when I actually know the pieces well!(for the most part that is. hehe) Mom said that I will most likely have to quit music lessons when I change schools next semester, which depresses me. I'm really starting to get into the violin, and I really enjoy working with Mrs. Snyder. So having to quit would be really saddening. I'm hoping everything works out so that I can keep taking piano and violin lessons!
Ok I better go. I'm getting sleepy, and I want to get a decent night's sleep tonight.'s snowing! Not a blizzard of course, but it's better than nothing! Goodnight!
Thank goodness I had a bright spot in my day. Music lessons were exceptionally fun today. I didn't do any piano today, but worked on my violin pieces that I will be playing Friday for the ensemble recital at the nursing home. It's so much fun to 'jam' with Mrs. Snyder, especially when I actually know the pieces well!(for the most part that is. hehe) Mom said that I will most likely have to quit music lessons when I change schools next semester, which depresses me. I'm really starting to get into the violin, and I really enjoy working with Mrs. Snyder. So having to quit would be really saddening. I'm hoping everything works out so that I can keep taking piano and violin lessons!
Ok I better go. I'm getting sleepy, and I want to get a decent night's sleep tonight.'s snowing! Not a blizzard of course, but it's better than nothing! Goodnight!
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