Whoo. Guess who's going to be 16 tomorrow?
I'm very excited.
I felt like I needed to share a few thoughts regarding my reflections of the past year...
haha not! I just liked how that sounded.
Seriously though, I can't believe I'm going to be 16. Goodness my life has flown by so far! Though I'm so excited for what this new chapter in my life is going to bring. I hope:
I lose ten pounds. PLEASE?
To become a better singer, actress, and dancer.
Become closer to the friends that I need to be closer to me.
To get my driver's license! Or at least my permit!
To become a better student. Kind of.
I just hope that this year is as good as the last, if not better! I'm so thankful to have the friends that I have, the talents that I have, my family, I'm just thankful for EVERYTHING!
And I can't wait for my family birthday part tomorrow :D
So goodbye, 15. It's been fun. I'll never forget you. And hello 16! I hope we have a great ride this year, and that this year is very memorable!
See ya tomorrow, when I'm 16 years old!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
And I'm updating you on the last two weeks in between reading chemistry, and commercials. :)
Ok it's a commercial!
These last two weeks have been crazy. Two weeks ago I toured a private school about an hour away from where I live, and I absolutely fell in love with it. And the choir teacher. She was so...nice. Definitely what I was looking for in a mentor. And the school is beautiful, it's really old, and it has an amazing view of the mountians! Well, after much praying and lots of discussing, my family and I have decided that I will be transferring there next semester! This means no more:
Mrs. Bowen!!
imature peers.
Disguisting bathrooms, classrooms, and auditorium.
Feeling of not belonging.
Did I mention imature peers?
Anyways, I'm so excited. I feel like I'm going to be so much happier there :)
Sorry, I'm feeling ADD. Another commercial break!
Let me think...what else have I done? Oh! My super September Saturday!
Ever year my parents take me on vacation for my birthday, and that's what we call it!
This year we rented a cabin up in the Smokey Mountians. The name of the cabin was "Heavenly View", and it sure lived up to it's name! The view was breathtaking. And we had an air hockey table, and a hot tub, and rocking chairs on the porch! And that night, I cuddled up on the couch with my family and watched Back to the Future, and you could see the full moon through the top window! It was amazing. I wish we could of stayed there for more than just one night. The beds were so comfortable! And I got up at 7 am, just to watch the sunrise over the mountians. It made me smile so much. That morning Dad made sausage and eggs in our cabin kitchen, and we had a family meal in the cabin! Then we had to leave. Sadness.
After we left, we drove to the outskirts of Gatlinburg, where there was an entire community of artists! There were stores after stores of paintings, jewelry, and these GORGEOUS copper sculptures! I really wanted to get one, but they were so stinkin expensive. A beautiful carved rose was ten dollars. Oh well. Anyways, we looked around for about an hour and then went on our merry way. After getting back on the road, we drove up to the National Park. Even though we live so close to Great Smokey Mountians National Park, we've never been before! So this new view of the mountians was absolutely incredible and breathtaking at every turn. And I mean turn literally, the drive was steep! But we finally made it to Clingman's Dome, where we hiked to to top of the mountian to get to the lookout tower. The climb was...intense. I've never walked a path that steep. And because of the thin air, I kept running out of breath, and we had to stop a lot. But once we got to the top, it was so worth it. I can't even describe the view to you. Let me just say, God is very creative. I've never known a better artist! After taking tons of pictures(to prove we made it to the top!) we headed back to the car, and drove for the Chimney's. We parked at this picnic spot Mom had been to before, and found a creek that was just telling us to play in it! I took off my shoes, Andrew put on his bathing suit, and Dad....he just jumped right in! After slipping a couple of times, taking a huge leap over some rapids, and discovering some cute crawfish, we were exausted!(and I was sore!) We were ready to go home. We said goodbye to the park, headed back to Pigeon Forge, stopped at Popeye's and Sonic for dinner(of course.) and made it home in time to study chemistry.(not by choice of course) It was an amazing weekend :)
Glee's offically been over for 45 minutes, and now I'm watching the results show on Dancing with the Stars.
Oh and another thing: Guess who's going to be 16 this Friday? Me! I'm pretty excited :) Though I really like being fifteen. Am I too young to say that I don't like getting older? I'm perfectly content being a youthful teenager who acts like an adult, can't I stay like this? Though to be honest, I say this every year. And I'll probably love being 16 as much as I LOVED being 15. *sigh* What am I going to say when I'm twenty? Thirty? FOURTY? AGH Life is going by so fast, I feel so old! haha
I better go, Mom's going to bang on my door at any moment and yell at for me for locking it. But hey, if I didn't lock it, I'd never have a chance to post!
Oh and another thing? It's going to be in the nineties on my birthday, I'm so excited! I've never had a summer birthday before. Thanks Mom, for having my birthday TWO days after the last day of summer! haha :)
And I'm updating you on the last two weeks in between reading chemistry, and commercials. :)
Ok it's a commercial!
These last two weeks have been crazy. Two weeks ago I toured a private school about an hour away from where I live, and I absolutely fell in love with it. And the choir teacher. She was so...nice. Definitely what I was looking for in a mentor. And the school is beautiful, it's really old, and it has an amazing view of the mountians! Well, after much praying and lots of discussing, my family and I have decided that I will be transferring there next semester! This means no more:
Mrs. Bowen!!
imature peers.
Disguisting bathrooms, classrooms, and auditorium.
Feeling of not belonging.
Did I mention imature peers?
Anyways, I'm so excited. I feel like I'm going to be so much happier there :)
Sorry, I'm feeling ADD. Another commercial break!
Let me think...what else have I done? Oh! My super September Saturday!
Ever year my parents take me on vacation for my birthday, and that's what we call it!
This year we rented a cabin up in the Smokey Mountians. The name of the cabin was "Heavenly View", and it sure lived up to it's name! The view was breathtaking. And we had an air hockey table, and a hot tub, and rocking chairs on the porch! And that night, I cuddled up on the couch with my family and watched Back to the Future, and you could see the full moon through the top window! It was amazing. I wish we could of stayed there for more than just one night. The beds were so comfortable! And I got up at 7 am, just to watch the sunrise over the mountians. It made me smile so much. That morning Dad made sausage and eggs in our cabin kitchen, and we had a family meal in the cabin! Then we had to leave. Sadness.
After we left, we drove to the outskirts of Gatlinburg, where there was an entire community of artists! There were stores after stores of paintings, jewelry, and these GORGEOUS copper sculptures! I really wanted to get one, but they were so stinkin expensive. A beautiful carved rose was ten dollars. Oh well. Anyways, we looked around for about an hour and then went on our merry way. After getting back on the road, we drove up to the National Park. Even though we live so close to Great Smokey Mountians National Park, we've never been before! So this new view of the mountians was absolutely incredible and breathtaking at every turn. And I mean turn literally, the drive was steep! But we finally made it to Clingman's Dome, where we hiked to to top of the mountian to get to the lookout tower. The climb was...intense. I've never walked a path that steep. And because of the thin air, I kept running out of breath, and we had to stop a lot. But once we got to the top, it was so worth it. I can't even describe the view to you. Let me just say, God is very creative. I've never known a better artist! After taking tons of pictures(to prove we made it to the top!) we headed back to the car, and drove for the Chimney's. We parked at this picnic spot Mom had been to before, and found a creek that was just telling us to play in it! I took off my shoes, Andrew put on his bathing suit, and Dad....he just jumped right in! After slipping a couple of times, taking a huge leap over some rapids, and discovering some cute crawfish, we were exausted!(and I was sore!) We were ready to go home. We said goodbye to the park, headed back to Pigeon Forge, stopped at Popeye's and Sonic for dinner(of course.) and made it home in time to study chemistry.(not by choice of course) It was an amazing weekend :)
Glee's offically been over for 45 minutes, and now I'm watching the results show on Dancing with the Stars.
Oh and another thing: Guess who's going to be 16 this Friday? Me! I'm pretty excited :) Though I really like being fifteen. Am I too young to say that I don't like getting older? I'm perfectly content being a youthful teenager who acts like an adult, can't I stay like this? Though to be honest, I say this every year. And I'll probably love being 16 as much as I LOVED being 15. *sigh* What am I going to say when I'm twenty? Thirty? FOURTY? AGH Life is going by so fast, I feel so old! haha
I better go, Mom's going to bang on my door at any moment and yell at for me for locking it. But hey, if I didn't lock it, I'd never have a chance to post!
Oh and another thing? It's going to be in the nineties on my birthday, I'm so excited! I've never had a summer birthday before. Thanks Mom, for having my birthday TWO days after the last day of summer! haha :)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Wow. I'm pathetic with entries :/

Sorry I haven't been on for a while. These first four weeks of school have been pretty intense. Oh, this Labor Day Weekend was AMAZING. Three words:Governor's School Reunion!!!! It was amazing. Here's a brief overview.
Riding with Mom and Dad to Tori's
Riding with Tori, Laura, and Tori's parents to Miranda's in Nashville
Getting smothered with hugs by everyone who was there!
Singing, eating, and watching the Opera Finale DVD. Can I just reemphasize how much I freakin' miss that class? You just have no idea. I cry every time I think about Governor's School. That subject will be saved for another post
Hair Straightening by the ever fabulous David Keck. Look him up on Youtube. He's a star.
Stargazing on the golf course. Favorite moment of the night.
Waking up three times in the middle of the night to hear tons of talking and spastic laughter. You'd just have to be there.
Doughnuts for breakfast! oh nom nom.
Watching the majority of people slowly leave :(
Zaxby's for lunch! I know we were being fatties. haha
Waiting for Laura's Mom to pick Laura, me and Tori up on the front porch.
Saying goodbye to Miranda and the Bostons.
Three hour car trip to Tori's
Saying goodbye to Tori :(
Hour trip home.
That's pretty much a condensed telling of my trip and the reunion. I love them all so much. I'm not as sad now, because I feel pretty confident that we'll all see each other againn :)
Signing out now! Oh I almost forgot, I auditioned for White Christmas last night. Just thought I'd throw that out there :)
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